Chapter 15

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So I know a hella lot of us HATE Sakura. Well I was reading some 'Why I hate Sakura Haruno' stories and it had this video:

Isssss yoooouuurr girl booty flat?
Do she twerk with her back?
Do she talk all that stuff?
Do she look like a rat?
Do she got no curves?
Do she dances like a worm?
Is your girl booty flat?

Now here's mine in poem form:

You look like a pink ruler,
You smell like a swear.
Your a gold digging whore,
And if you ask Sasuke on a date one more fucking time, bitch the door*drops the mic*


Naruto and Sasuke made it back to Tazuna's house. Once inside, they saw the Demon Brothers glaring daggers at a cowering Sakura. No one noticed Sasuke and Naruto there until Sasuke cleared his throat.

"Ah Sasuke, Naruto, you sure took your time. Mind telling us why?," Kakashi asked with a raised eyebrow.

Both said nothing and walked towards Tsunami and handed her the groceries.

"Thank you boys, now dinner will take a while so relax a little," Tsunami said.

They both nodded their heads before walking away form  going towards the stairs, but not without Sakura screaming, no screeching, Sasuke's name.


Naruto and Sasuke stop in their tracks and turn around to see the pink banshee.

'She doesn't have to yell, we're/they're only in the other room,' Naruto, Sasuke, and basically everyone else thought.

She wraps her arms around his, "Hey Sasuke-kun I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk with me before dinner."

'She has five seconds to get her grubby fingers of my son before I jump out of here,' Mikoto warned.


He ripped his arm away from her grip and turns back around, going up the stairs.

"But whyyyyyy," she whined trying to be cute, keyword trying.

'Obviously he/I doesn't/don't want to be near nor around you,' everyone thought again.

"Because I have better thinks to do than deal with you," Sasuke continued up the stairs, pulling Naruto with him.

Once in their shared room Sasuke sat down in the love seat and put his head in his hands. He rubbed his temples as if he trying to take away a massive headache.

He felt something brush against his leg and looked down to see little Itachi and Kukiko. Naruto picked them up and put them in his arms as he got on his knees in front of him.

"Are you okay?," he asked as his face showed a worrisome look.

Sasuke paused for a second as his mind went to a dark place. His crush is in front of him, on his knees and, without even knowing it, has one of his hands on Sasuke's thigh.

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