Chapter 8

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Roses are red
Violets are blue
Menma and Mito are assholes
And their parents are too


~The Next Day~

After Naruto had finished his normal morning routine and feeding his partners, he grabbed three apples and slipped them in his sleeve. He was wearing a kimono had purple flowers and laced silk with a ribbon obi, plus black knee-high socks and flats.

After he grabbed his weapons case and tying his bandages around his neck, he made his way downstairs, where he saw his so old 'family' getting reading to leave. Right when he was about to pass by them, Menma had to go and open his arrogant mouth.

"Why are you still here, demon. Shouldn't you just quit being a shinobi, I mean like come on, what can you possibly do to actually save anyone. Your weak, your just a waste of space and time for everyone so how about you just end yourself now," he arrogantly grinned.

Naruto only walked past them like he didn't even hear Menma open his mouth, ignoring him on the spot. He still had his head held high, not even giving the Namikaze-Uzumaki family a single glance, he walked out of the estate. Once the front door closed, he shunshined to the training ground.

Naruto had thirty minutes until everyone else came to the training ground. He put on his headphones and started reading his book.

~Ten Minutes Later~

Soon Sasuke and Sai were the first ones to get to the training ground after Naruto. Sasuke made his way towards Naruto and sat to the right of him, while Sai sat to the left of him. Naruto looked at Sai strange for actually sit next to him, the so called Demon.

"It seems better to sit next to someone quiet then an arrogant loud mouth," Sai winked at him.

"Hn," was all Naruto and Sasuke said.

Sai raised an eyebrow, "What the hell, you've two been around each other for only two days and your already acting like an Uchiha."

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other than at Sai and said, "Hn."

Sai got up and went to the railing and screamed in frustration. Naruto and Sasuke looked at him as if he was crazy, it made Naruto chuckle a little.

"Your an interesting one, aren't you," Naruto smirked.

"And you finally laughed," Sasuke said.

"Shut it, teme," Naruto blushed.

"Hn. Dobe."

"Yep, you two are close," Sai said fake smiling.

All three of them sat in quiet serenity for five minutes until they heard something that sounded like a dying cat.


"AH WHAT HAPPENED ARE WE UNDER ATTACK!!" Kurama stated being awaken from her nap.

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