Chapter 3

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It's been five years since Naruto left the village to train with Kurama, Marada, Obito, Sabaru, and Orochimaru. Over the years Naruto has shown a surprised increase in strength, intelligence, strategy, skill, and chakra control that it made his senseis shock to how much he did when he was four, he even manage to defeat them one by one as the years went by. Everyone has been treating him as if he was their own child, it made Naruto feel that he was actually in a family. Naruto even got a marking on his neck that he covers with a bandage (a/n the marking on the bottom is the one in front of his neck and the top one goes the rest of the way all around his neck) that he got from when he was training with Sabaru. They all have been living at Orochimaru's base for the time.

Now Naruto is 7 years old and is in the kitchen making lunch for everyone. Once he is finished he unties the ribbon in his long blonde hair. He starts to set up the table. He walks outside the kitchen to the living room where everyone else was it. When he got there Madara and Obito where reading, Sabaru was laying with his back on the ground and his eyes closed, Kurama was watching TV, and Orochimaru was sharpening his weapons. There was also two bright orange foxes, and a black wolf and a white wolf laying on the floor next to Marada.

Naruto leaned on the door frame and knocked on it, "Lunch's ready."

His senseis all looked up at him and started to get up heading towards the dinning room. Once they make it towards the dinning room, they all sit down and start enjoying their meal, as Naruto serves the foxes and wolves their food.

"OH MY KAMI, Naruto your cooking is the best," Kurama says as she stuffs her mouth with food.

"Yep," Orochimaru said.

"You bet," Sabaru said.

"Hn," Madara and Obito said.

Naruto looks at everyone as he chews his food, "Hn."

Kurama notices that Naruto has becoming to show his emotions a whole lot less than he did before he start training, "Naruto is there something wrong?"

Naruto looks at her questioned, "No, why?"

"It's because your not showing your emotions a whole lot these past couple of years, I was wondering if you were getting bored of us," Kurama sounded worried.

Naruto saw depressed she looked. He stopped eating his food and sighed, "It's not that I'm bored of you, it just I don't like showing my emotions."

Kurama was happy to hear him say that he wasn't bored of him.

"You sound like another Uchiha," Sabaru noted.

"Maybe he's been hanging around Madara and Obito for to long," Orochimaru added.

The two Uchihas growled at both of their comments towards them. The two who made the smart remark put their hands up in surrender. Naruto rolled his eyes at the way his senseis are acting. He finishes his food and takes his dishes to the sink to wash them. Once he is finished he goes outside to practice his flames.

He sits down in the soft grass and closes his eyes then starts to focus on the flames that Sabaru, Obito and Kurama taught him. Soon after enough time floating golden, blue and crimson flames were surrounding him. Naruto opens his eyes to see two flames in front of him, one blue and one crimson, both of the exact same size. As he stares at the two flames that are floating side by side, they start to slowly float closer together. Once they touch the flames around him started to burn brighter as if they were turning white. The only other color you could see in the flames was a tiny purple light.

His focus on the flames where interrupted when he heard his senseis calling him. His flames changed back to their golden, crimson and blue color. He hears them call his name again then dispel his flames. As he gets off the ground and makes his way inside where his senseis where, he thinks about what just happened a minute ago. He shakes the thought out of his head. 

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