Chapter 17

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This chapter is dedicated to my dog, Gypsy, who passed away between August 22 and August 23, 2018.

I miss you and I love you

Once the girls were finished with their bath, the boys enter next. Along with Kakashi, since Tazuna took his the second he came home.

As they were taking their clothes off, Naruto still had his on. He was hesitant to remove his clothes as he felt unwanted eyes on him.

"Have these guys heard of privacy?"

"Keep your eyes to yourself," Mikoto said pissed off.

"I'm just going to wait it out," Naruto told them.

Soon all the guys were on the other side in the bathing area. He sighs a sigh of relief to know that they're gone and started to undress.

What he didn't know what that as he was removing his clothes, that the others boys could see his shadow.

They glanced at his shadow as he took his underwear off and set them off the the side. He slide his kimono off his arms and let it drop to the floor once it passed his fingertips. He slid his knee-high socks off after releasing his hair from it bouncy ponytailed prison. Every move he made looked extremely slow and erotic it was almost as if he was putting on a show.

When they noticed that he was going to come in, they immediately turned back, pretending that they didn't notice him.

Naruto was cautious when he was showering. He could feel the unwanted, perverted eyes on him. But he stood his ground to prove he's not weak, which was kinda hard knowing that the guy you going on a date with after this mission is eye raping you.

He shove that thought aside and focused on Gāto. He know that he had Zabuza but he is joining Naruto's side he has nothing to worry about.

But still, Gāto could hire people much more powerful than Zabuza, more dangerous. Is this why the Akatsuki members were here earlier? Why would a group as powerful as them associate themselves with Gāto?

Naruto was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a puppy barking. He looked down to see a clean wet Akamaru in front of him.

"Akamaru, step away from him," Kiba said softly, scared for his furry friend.

Akamaru looked at him then back to Naruto. He wagged his tail in excitement.

Naruto kneeled down and picked up the excited pup.

"Hello little one," he smiled as he pull the pup closed to his chest.

Akamaru licked his hand.

"It would seem as if Naruto has got a new comrade," Kakashi said from the tub.

"New comrade?! As if someone would want to be that thing," Menma laughed as Kiba joined him.

Sasuke, Sai and Shino glared the ignorant males.

"I don't see what you two are laughing at," Kakashi said as he looked at the incompetent Genins.

Kiba and Menma at him confused.

"You two have been staring at Naruto-chan's ass the whole time we've stared our bath," Sai said in a matter of fact voice.

Both males blushed from ear to ear trying to deny it, then soon turn towards Naruto. He didn't even look at them, he rinse the soap off his body and conditioner out his hair after sitting Akumaru down.

With that he leaves the bathing area and puts on his clothes before leaving the bath completely. He put on white lace panties and a pure white over sized long sleeved shirt that stopped in the middle of his thighs as the sleeves STOP past his finger tips.

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