Chapter 7

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~Next Morning~

The sun was blazing bright through the window in the attic as its rays of light shine over a pair of tanned eyelids with long eyelashes. Naruto slowly opens his eyes and starts to stretch his body. He slowly gets up from his warm bed only to moan as the cool air touches his naked tanned skin that wasn't covered by his hair. He checks the time to see that he has two hours til he goes to the academy. He heads towards the bathroom where he takes his shower.

Once he's done, he grabs a towel from the cabinet to dry himself and his hair. He wraps the towel around his chest and head towards his room, where he gets out a black and blue kimono to wear, a par of underwear (panties), black knee-high socks, black flats, and bandages to hide the mark on his neck. He first checks to see if the wolves and foxes are still sleep, but they were gone. They went out early to hunt for their breakfast and this was a normal routine for them.

Once he is finished with getting dressed, he head towards the kitchen to make breakfast and his lunch

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Once he is finished with getting dressed, he head towards the kitchen to make breakfast and his lunch.

When he is done making, then eating breakfast he washes the dishes, then goes back to the bathroom so he could brush his teeth then hair. He leaves out the bathroom, grabs his weapons case, glasses, new book, then head downstairs out of the attic after closing all the windows and blinds, and watering his garden.

As he walks down the halls of the Namikaze-Uzumaki estate, he spots Menma glaring at him.

"DON'T THINK THAT YOU WON ONE MATCH WITH ME MEANS YOUR BETTER! THE ONLY REASON YOU WON WAS BECAUSE OF A FLUKE," Menma yelled at Naruto before turning to go down stairs where his family was, not Naruto's.

Naruto didn't care for what Menma said and continued with walking down the halls then the stairs. Once he reached the bottom, the Hokage and his family were eating breakfast happily. The smile on their faces depleted when a certain red-headed 12 year old girl spotted.

"Ugh, why are you here. I can't you lost to something like that thing, but I couldn't have Sasuke-kun."


Naruto didn't even spare them a single glance as he walked out of the estate. He started to walk towards the academy, but not without ignoring all the glares and curses thrown at him by the villagers that were out.

Once at the academy, Naruto heads towards his class, where he was the only one there. He checked the time at the school clock, only for it to say 7:25, meaning he had only thirty-five minutes left before class starts. He takes out his mp3 player and puts in his headphones. He puts his head down in his arms, on the desk after putting his glasses down right next to him, enjoying only the sound of music playing and nothing else.

After ten minutes had past as a certain raven, who is the only reason why he was back in this village, came through one of the sliding doors. He spotted the blonde sitting near the window with his head down as soon as he walk through the door. He starts to makes his way towards the seat next to the blonde. Once there he sits right between the blonde and the window. He moves the few strains of hair behind Naruto's ear, admiring the facial of the blonde. His long eyelashes, soft tan skin, pink soft kissable lips. His heart felt like it would soon jump straight out of his chest. Even though Sasuke has just met the quiet blonde, he gets this warm, calming feeling from him.

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