Chapter 9

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T'was girl with the pink hair,
She is so two-faced, I swear.
If she try to come between Sasuke and Naruto again,
She surely will meet her end.


Team 7 was in the Hokage's office after completing their D-Ranked mission in capturing Tora the cat. Right now Tora was rubbing his self of Naruto's chest as he holds him while reading (BTW it's NOT Make-out paradise). The shinobi in the room and the Hokage were shocked to see that Tora can show any affection towards anyone that doesn't involve them getting clawed at, bitten, or tortured. Even the new voices in Naruto's mind scape were overly shocked.

"Wow the cat from hell can become an angel with Naruto present," the third Hokage, Hiruzen Saratobi, said.

"Come on the cat couldn't be that bad," Shodai Hokage, Hashirama Senju, said.

"Trust me, he's that bad," the fourth Hokage's deceased​ student, Rin, shivered remembering when she had to capture Tora.

Yes you heard right these are the voices of the dead hero's off shinobi kind, the true hero's. The deceased Hokages, the Ōtsutsuki clan, the Senju clan, Uzumaki clan, the fourth's deceased student, Rin, Hyūga clan, the recently deceased clan, the Uchiha clan, and more.

I know what your thinking, 'How can the deceased be in his mind scape?!' Well its simple, the story goes a little like this, four weeks ago.


Naruto was walking towards the river bank where he trains Sai, Hinata, and Sasuke, when he felt that someone was following him. He continued to walk but at a slower pace as he felt the being get closer. Once he felt that they were close enough, he threw a kunai at them.


"Uncle? What are you doing here? I thought we agreed on not seeing each other until Sasuke is stronger to take care of himself."

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