Chapter 16 (Finally an Update)(sorry😫🙇🙇🙇🙇)

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I'm sorry that I haven't been updating and the reason is finals and having to go to therapy because my spine is rotated and is curved around fifty degrees which is dangerous.

It was morning, Naruto rose out of bed as he heard rapid footsteps heading towards the door. It busted open to reveal his pink haired teammate and the Hokage's red-headed daughter.

"SASUKE-KUUUUNNNN/ SASUKE-SAMA," both girls screamed as they came in.

They were about to jump on the bed to hug him, but they stop once they noticed that Sasuke wasn't in the room. Sakura screamed when she saw only Naruto, Kukiko, and Itachi in the room.


Naruto only stared at her and Mito as he rubbed his temples to try to take his headache, which was caused by the two girls.

"Why the hell is that arrogant red-headed brat here?," Kurama angrily said.

"Don't know but damn these idiotic girls," Rin said through her teeth.

"Man you two are loud; do you ever shut up," a boy with messy browkn hair, sharp black eyes with vertical slit-like pupils and pronounced canine teeth. He also have red fang markings on his cheeks. His attire consisted of dark greyish pants reaching to his calves and a grey, hooded fur-lined coat, with the hood placed on his head, over an apparent plate of armour and fishnet undershirt seen in his fight with Sakon and Ukon, with a blue forehead protector and blue sandals. He had a small puppy with white fur, and resembles a Great Pyrenees, that is carried inside his jacket. The pups eyes were squinted, appearing closed, and he has a brown nose, as well as brown patches on his ears and a brown outline around his mouth. His fur on top of his head is styled to somewhat resemble a mohawk. The boy's name is Kiba Inuzuka and the pups is Akamaru.

"Shut up Kiba and take your mutt with you," Mito said as she shooed at them as Sakura giggled.

Both Kiba and Akamaru growled at both of them and started arguing. Naruto sighed took the covers off him and stretched. He opened the dresser and grabbed underwear, a silk kimono, it had silver rims at the ends and obi and the rest was royal blue, royal blue knee high socks that fade to white once it goes to the ankles and white flats.

He grabs his clothes and walked past the two girls, the boy and the pup as they argued with each other.

The four of them fought for five good minutes before they noticed that Naruto left.


"Don't blame me for you two's stupidity," Kiba pointed at both girls.

"I bet your dumb ass probably don't know what stupidity is," Sakura grinned.

"Actually I do and it's the very definition of the people in front of me."

It was now the girls turn to growl, before they said anything another boy came up. He has dark, bushy, brown hair, dark, narrow eyes, which he hid behind dark sunglasses, and a sea-green jacket with a high, upturned collar. He was tall and fair-skinned. He had brown shinobi pants with his kunai holster on his right leg. His name was Shino Aburame.

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