Chapter 4

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BTW Naruto got the sharingan for Marada and the byakugan from Sabaru, and he went through all the stages in them. Sabaru taught Naruto Phoenix Style, Dragon Style, Demon Style, Yin Style, Yang Style, Lightning Style, Ice Style and every martial technique there is.

Now back to the story.


Naruto has just made it to the gates of the Hidden Leaf with his carnivorous partners. He looks at the guards of the gate and starts walking towards them. Once they notice him there they turned towards him.

"Excuse me how may we he-"

One the guard takes a good look at Naruto he stops. Those blue eyes, that tanned skin, that blonde hair, those three whisker marks on both his cheeks. The guard scowls as he recognized the child.

"Why the hell did you come back Demon," the guard said. "Go inform the Hokage that the Demon is back, I'll make sure to bring him."

The other guard went to tell the Hokage the news as the first guard told Naruto to follow him not wanting to touch him.

~Meanwhile with the Hokage~

The Hokage, Minato, was taking a break from paperwork to play with his son, Menma, and daughter, Mito, with his wife, Kushina, when one of the guards that was suppose to be guarding the gates came in panting. 

"Hokage-sama, we have a major problem," he said.

"What is the problem," Minato says as he stops playing with his children.

"The Demon, Naruto Uzumaki, is back in the village."

Minato, Kushina, and their children scowled to here that that thing was back.

"The other guard that was with me is bringing him right now."

"Thank you for telling me this, you may go now," Minato says.

The guard bows and leaves the room. Soon the Hokage's doors opened again revealing a boy with tanned skin, blue eyes, long blonde hair and three whisker marks on both of his cheeks. He was wearing a black kimono with small dark pink flowers and a bandage wrapped around his neck. He had a large case strapped onto his back and there was a fox and wolf by both sides of him, one wolf was white and the other was black. 

"Is there a reason that you came back to the village, if so speak now," Minato said.

"Yes, Hokage-sama," Naruto answered in a monotone voice.

"The reason," Minato raised an eyebrow.

"That is classified."

"That doesn't answer my question, why are you here," Minato said.

"My reasons are mine and mine only, it's my personal life," Naruto says.

Minato growled, "You'll be staying with us so we can keep an eye on you."

Naruto turned around and walked out the office with his comrades. When the doors closed Menma was first to speak out, "HOW COULD THAT THING SHOW IT'S FACE AROUND HERE LIKE ITS NOTHING?! AND HOW DARE HE SPEAKS TO FATHER LIKE THAT!!"


Kushina and Minato smiled at their children, "Don't worry, you will defeat the demon when the time comes, our children of prophecy."

"Your mother is right, when we train you later on, your get stronger to get rid of him," Minato said.

~Meanwhile with Naruto~

Naruto was jumping from rooftop to rooftop with the foxes and wolves following beside him, since they also trained to be ninjas. He was heading towards the hospital to check up on the Uchiha child. Once he makes it to the hospital he looks through all the windows looking for Sasuke. Once he finds a child with the same chakra wave as the Uchihas he jumps next to the window. He checks inside to see if anyone was inside and to see if anyone was around the door. Once he knew no one was there he enters through the window telling his comrades to wait outside. He walked towards the hospital bed to see a child that looked his age or one year older. He had pearl paled skin and raven hair. Naruto couldn't see his eye since they were closed as he slept on the bed with a scowl on his face. Naruto sat down next to a stool that was next to the child's bed. He took a deep and sang a sweet soft song to him. The scowl on Sasuke's face changed to that of a calming and relaxed look. Once Naruto finished his song he got up and moved back out the window.

He went to the Namikaze-Uzumaki Estate with his comrades and knocked on the door. It opened revealing a smiling Kushina, which soon turned into a look of disgust. She told him to come in with much venom in her voice. She was about to tell him where he should sleep until Naruto walked up the stairs and climb the stairs that went to the attic. He saw that it was the same as he left it before he left, but it was dustier. He got out some cleaning supplies he had in the corner of the attic and started cleaning.

Once he was done he packs his clothes and fabric material, that he uses to make his clothes, in a large closet that he found when he was in the village when he was 1. It was is in amazing condition, so someone probably threw it out because they found something better. He puts his weapons case next to the closet. He takes out a scroll and does a jutsu that made a puff of smoke and a futon and blanket came up. He takes the old sleeping bag and places it to the side to spread his futon out. When he turned back around he saw that the wolves and foxes were laying on the futon getting comfortable. He put the necklaces that each of his senseis gave him, one of the Uchiha clan, one of a white snake, one of a white fox, one of a white dragon, and one of the yin and yang symbol, all in the bottom drawer of the closet. He grabbed a clean cloth and a knife from his weapons case then told the ones laying on the sleeping bag that he was going to bring back some food for them. 

He walked down stairs passing by his old family who is having dinner happily. They didn't notice him as he walks past them and out the door. Once he is outside he shunshined to the forest, where he hides his chakra so no one could find him. We walks into the forest til he sees a river, he looks upon it to see a bunch of large silver fish. He starts to catch at least ten fish for him and his comrades at the Estate. He removes the bones, head and tail of the fish with his knife then wraps the rest in a cloth. He heads back out the forest and shunshined back to the Namikaze-Uzumaki Estate. He quietly goes up stairs without anyone knowing his presence. Once he in the attic he gives the foxes and the wolves their dinner, while he uses his flames to cook his in his hand.

After eating Naruto changes out of his kimono to a long over sized shirt. He slips into his futon and lets the darkness consume him and his carnivorous friends.

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