Chapter 5

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It's been five years since Naruto has came back to the village. All the villagers know about his return and try to torture him, but he has always found a way to get them off his back without getting a scratch on him. The Namikaze-Uzumaki family still treat him the same as they did when he was younger, ignoring him, neglecting him and saying he's nothing but a demon. Naruto didn't let their words get to him, because he wouldn't give any shits of what they thought of him. Naruto has been visiting Sasuke every night, without him knowing, singing to him as he sleeps to calm him down.

Right now at the Academy, there are three girls that are fighting over a seat.


"WELL I KNOW I'M NOT LETTING HIM SIT NEXT TO YOU, BILL-BOARD BROW AND BRAT," a girl with platinum blonde hair yelled.

"I'M NOT LETTING HIM SIT NEXT TO YOU, INO-PIG, BRAT," a girl with bubblegum pink hair yelled.

The three girls, Mito, Ino and Sakura, were all arguing over who sits next to Sasuke in class. Today was the day the the students from the Academy were going to graduate to become Genin. Their parents had all came to see their children graduate from being students of the Academy. Sasuke on the other hand wasn't paying attention to the students in his classroom. Soon the students teacher, Iruka, came in and greeted the parents, even the Hokage and his wife. He went to the front of the classroom with an announcement.

"Okay class I know that its graduation day and all, but I have to tell that we have a new student with use today," Iruka said.

The students and parents were curious to know that they were having a new student so late in the year.

"You may come in," Iruka called. Soon someone with long bright beautiful blonde hair, that was in a bun stepped into the classroom. They had sun kissed skin, ocean blue eyes, and three whisker marks on both of their cheeks. They wore a kimono that was black and red with had cherry blossoms on it, glasses and a bandage wrapped around their neck. They had a large case strapped on their back and a wolf and fox by their side.

"This is Naruto Uzumaki, he will be with us only for today and tomorrow, but I hope you all get along with him," Iruka said

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"This is Naruto Uzumaki, he will be with us only for today and tomorrow, but I hope you all get along with him," Iruka said.

Soon one of his students raised their hand, "Yes?"

"Iruka-sensei, how do we know that the demon won't attack us while he's here," he said.

"Don't worry, if he attacks you'll have me and my sister to protect you," Menma bragged.

"Arrogant ass brat," Kurama said.

"Even if Naruto was here, he wouldn't even touch people like you," the black wolf, Yin, said.

Everyone was shocked to actually hear a wolf talk. Naruto said nothing and just walked up the stairs and sat properly next to Sasuke while the wolves and foxes stood next to the parents. Iruka went over how the graduation tests were. First they needed to take the mental part of the test and second the physical part. He past out the test papers that had over a hundred questions on it.

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