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Hey, all the chapters will either be named random or something specific. I just wanted to talk about what's been going on till now.

Trump is president and is actually building a wall! People only voted for him because they thought he was lying bout the wall. Hilary was just as bad but whatever.

School sucks, especially Math and Pathway Lead The Way, or PLTW. I am trying to learn Spanish since my mom's Hispanic, but It's very hard.

What is wrong with people? We lose our friends and sometimes I feel as if I have no friends. Sometimes I feel like killing myself. Then I think about my dog, family, and a couple of friends. Also, why do people care if you have friends that are boys!? Like, so what I'm friends with a boy, and so what I hang out with them and talk to them!? They're easier than talking to girls at least!

And girls, they only care about boys (and I mean as in dating) and make up, and shopping!!! I mean, I don't care about that stuff! Is it just me or does everyone seem to be against me sometimes?

  Does the world seem to be against you? Do you ever think about stuff like why are we here, or what's my purpose? Or am I the only one? What is the purpose of life and if God is so powerful, why can't he solve all of our problems!?

The few friends I do have are either boys or really nice girls. I mean, I try to act normal but sometimes I feel like everyone hates me! If you have listen to the video above, it cheers me up. (Somewhat)

Do you have a pet? Well, I have my dog and I love him the most! Like, I couldn't live without my dog! I keep imagining my dog dying and I start crying. Like, I can't even imagine him dying or I'll cry. That's how much I love him, and I've never felt that strongly for anyone. Sure, I care about some of my friends, some more than others, but I just can't pretend I don't love my dog. Am I the only one this happens to?

  Do you have any traditional places you go to certain days? Well I do. And guess what it is, where I go after school on Fridays and after church on Sundays? A bar. The name of the bar will not be revealed but what I will say is that I can't imagine not going to the bar every Friday and Sunday. I recognize the way to the bar! Am I the only one who thinks that's sad? I have actually met some of my friends at the bar!!!! Especially one very close one! Am I the only one that this happens to?

Any ways, that's it for this, byeeeee!!!!!

P.S.: I am just ranting about stuff and will probably rarely update this one.

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