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Tagged by Heroes_are_us

1) Straight (?)
2) Female
3) It seriously depends, mostly not.
4) Let You Down by NF
5) Darkish Brown
6) Gemini
7) Hah!
8) Blue and Gold
9) Chicken/Spaghetti/
10) 70%
11) Too Many To Count
12) Brocolli
13) Darkish Brown
14) 7 1/2
15) Author
16) Ughhhhh
1: Allisgreat
2: trashy-slytherin
3: Lumina_Rose14
4: hiraa27
5: Hope-Adon
6: Gay-And-Afraid
7: impavidus_
8: MidnightMadness_147
9: PhinbellaFerbnessa
10: mkwriter
11: PixarPnFLover
12: MabelTheHorcrux
13: Shadoowed
14: UnholyBookWhore
15: SierraPoulson
19: RandomStoryLover226
20: lillisoccer1213

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