I don't know what to do.
Someone close to me, whenever that person gets drunk, always verbally abuses me, yet never remembers it when the person gets sober the next morning. I just can't tell the police because one more time the person goes to jail and the person is there permantly, and I'm not sure I can deal with that.
The person makes me so undescisive and unsure and I'm pretty sure this person is the person who caused me to become so anxious and self-aware and whenever I'm around the person I'm mostly jumpy and scared whenever they start speaking. Even some of the times the person moves, I'm scared.
I can't tell the police but anytime I try approaching the subject the person gets defensive or I get scared of what the person will do.
I'm afraid every single time I'm around them, and even when they're playing and teasing it still hurts and all I can remember is when they're drunk.
I need help;
I don't know what to do anymore.
You Don't Have To Read This
De Todothis is basically me telling you my feelings about our MESSED UP society and other random things going on in my life. I am writing this in 2017 but have no idea when I'm posting it, right now at least! I don't care if you do read this or not, but no...