Hey guys. It's nothing about school, so far, this time.

It's about my mom.

I've told you how I've wanted to be a teacher, right? Well, I'm also in karate, and in karate, I like to help the others do their moves correctly. The belts lower than me, of course.

But, today when we were driving home, my mom yelled at me about helping the 'competition' and how I should focus on my own stuff. I don't get it, Why? I mean, I do, but I want to help others. She said how I'm helping them to be better then me, and that's the point. I want them to be great! Better than me, even. But my mom seems to think that's a crime.

Is it bad that I want to help others? I mean, it's not like I force my help on them. I only help if they ask for it, or if that's the point of the activity we're doing, to help the other person get better.

Now I'm starting to realize why I sometimes think other people are against me. My mom seems to think my entire karate place is working against me and how I would do so much better if I had some other people. Yet she doesn't do a think about it.

Lately, I've realized where I get all these bad actions and thoughts from. It's been annoying me, but I can't do a thing about it, we live together.

Anyways, sorry, I've been ranting about my life. I had started this book to rant on things everyone knows about and I ended up ranting on things happening to me. I'm so sorry.

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