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I opened the door slightly, pausing when I heard my Mum yell to my Dad. "Maybe if you were here half the time he wouldn't dress like a little girl! He'd have a male figure to follow after!"

It was like her words were knives that soared out of her mouth straight into my heart. Waves of hurt bombarded me. It was apparent I wasn't wanted here either. As quietly as I came in, I turned and walked straight back out. I walked lazily to the old unkept park not far from my house. I wanted to be alone. To lay in the grass burdening only myself for once.

Unaware of the time passing I contently watched the clouds, thinking.

'Mum doesn't like you either.' was all that my thoughts consisted of, it was heartbreaking. The two people he had left that he thought wouldn't judge him, didn't support him as he'd always believed.

The sky soon grew dark and the sun fell below the horizon. I made no effort to go back home. It didn't take long for the moon peek from behind the dark clouds. I drifted to sleep curled up under the young willow tree in attempt to stay warm.

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