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I didn't search the school immediately. I was scared. What if what I was feeling was false love. I'd never been in love before, how would I know what it was like? How would I approach Phil and not be awkward about it. What if Chris was lying?

With little courage I got up and began searching. By now it was the middle of last period. Phil and I should've been working on our literacy project that we had long forgot about. I headed down the english wing looking into the classrooms as I walked by. 

The hall was completely empty except for a lone raven haired boy frantically looking down the connecting corridors. "Phil?"

"Oh my god, Dan! Are you okay? Where were you, I was so worried." He ran to me nearly knocking me over in the process. 

"I'm fine , I got lunch detention." I claimed searching his worry filled eyes, "what happened?" I asked wanting so smooth the worry lines in his forehead with my fingers.

"I-I thought," He took a deep breath, "I thought Chris had gone to find you." Phil brought his hand up cupping my cheek. His eyes scanned my face for any indication of Chris. When coming up with none the beautiful ocean blue color filled with relief. "I was so worried you were hurt." He exhaled. 

[a/n: This is a filler. I'm not 100% happy with it but idk how to fix it so here ya go.]

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