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"What the fuck did you do to Dan?" I practically shouted.

Chris looked at me questioningly. "Dan?" he thought for a moment, "Oh the little tranny."

That was it. Any sanity I had somehow held onto was gone. I had officially snapped. "You go near him again and I swear to god you'll regret it!" I screamed, throwing punch after punch. By the time I had come to my senses he had gained a split lip, bloodied nose and most likely a broken jaw. I stood over him, "I will do everything I can to care for him and love him. You come between me and Dan, I will make sure you will not see another day," I fumed, "Do I make myself clear?" Chris stayed silent, "DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR, KENDALL!" I crouched down getting in his face.

"yeh," he finally responded half heartedly. "knew he turned you into a fag too. Pff," He scoffed.

With one last kick to the ribs I had enough and turned on my heel to leave.

Where Did I Go Wrong? //Phan//Where stories live. Discover now