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"Aagh" I groan rubbing my throbbing head.

"D-an?" Someone to my left croaked. I craned my head in attempt to look over to Phil, but altering my line of sight made my world spin. I grabbed my head and tucked it so it rested atop my knees.

"Fuckkkk," I groaned again.

"Dan, hold on don't move." 'Didn't plan on it' I jeered mentally, rolling my eyes. I heard another muffled moan and felt a hand be placed on my upper back. Lingering over my shoulder blades. I couldn't even be bothered to flinch away, everything hurt. "Can you look at me?"

I obliged looking up to meet the raven haired boys eyes. I looked him over, seeing he had blood running down his face in several different spots. "Phil." I reached up with my sweater pawed hand trying to wipe the blood away. "Hold still, you're bleeding." I mumbled. Taking the cloth and swiping it over bloodied cuts on Phil's face.

"Don't worry about me, i'm fine." He paused, scanning me over. I felt self conscious of my body as he analyzed me. "How do you feel? You took a hard fall." I looked at him my gaze obviously containing question. "Do you remember any of it?"

I nodded, regretting the action immediately afterwards. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster again. A wave of nausea hit me like a rock, "Phil, I think i'm gonn-" I did my best to stand up while Phil attempting to intervene. I shook him off taking a few hurried steps before falling right back down to my hands and knees retching on the concrete.

"Oh Dan," Phil said sympathetically, rubbing my back. Tears were involuntarily running down my cheeks "shhhhh, you're okay. I think you have a concussion, we should get you home."

Where Did I Go Wrong? //Phan//Where stories live. Discover now