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It was about half past 12 now and Phil was sound asleep. I found myself watching his soft, care free face whilst he slept. The moon shined through the window behind Phil ever so slightly illuminating his features making him look younger. I slowly reached up to Phil's cheek, stroking it with the pad of my thumb. In all honesty he was beautiful, there was no denying it. I knew I should refrain from getting attached. Tomorrow everything would go back to normal. What we have will probably fade away as the morning stirs, but I was going to take every chance I got to soak this up.

~Lil' Time Skiperoo~

At 2am I found myself still restlessly stirring. There was no point in staying in bed. So as one casually does, I got up and left the room to look for some tea to quickly make.

I traipsed down the stairs as quiet as possible, tip toeing into the kitchen. I took down a 1D mug rolling my eyes and shrugging. I then began my search for the tea bags.

I was waiting for the kettle to sound so I could head back upstairs, when the front door nearly flew open. I jumped from the sudden movement behind me. Two upper class business workers who I could only assume were Phil's unspoken of parents. I quickly turned back around pretending I noticed nothing. 

"Phil what are you doing up. You know our rules. You must be up in that filthy room of yours by 10 o'clock sharp!" She sounded as though I broke a law. Phil had never spoken to me about his parents, but I seemed to be catching on as to why now.

"Err, yeah mum i'm deeply sorry. I'll be heading up in a moment." I coughed into my elbow once I was done speaking. I did a real shitty Phil voice. "Oh, and Phil? I've gotten a call from your school, several times. You're barely passing your classes and you've been skipping again. That will not be tolerated, understand! At this point we'll be relying on your brother as the successful one. You'll obviously never make it in the business industry if you don't get your grades up. Not that you're needed anyways." She scoffed and took off down a hallway.

What a bitch. Who is she to be telling Phil to go into the business industry and she has no right to treat him like shit under any circumstance. Needless to say that I poured my lukewarm water into my red and white mug grabbed a tea bag and furiously marched back up to Phil's room. She had pissed me off beyond belief.
When Phil gets to school he immediately takes off. I assumed this would be the case. I wasn't to be seen with him. Im annoyed our talk meant nothing to him again. I get through most of the day chatting with PJ here and there throughout courses. when lunch comes round I'm stopped by Chris' group outside. Sam and Joe lead my on the familiar route round to the back of the school. They threaten me, but that's not far from what's normal. I don't even mind it anymore to be honest. I see Phil's face around the corner and I plead him with my eyes. I can't do this today I still ache from last time. Phil looks as though fire is burning in his stomach. "Hit him Phil. Do it!" Chris shouts. Phil brought his fist up. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. But the hit never came. Instead Chris screamed. I looked up and gasped. Phil was on top of Chris ruthlessly throwing punches.

[A/N: I have so much homework and not enough time to do it send me helppppp. Also I didn't proof read this chapter at all sorry.

Edit: my god this is embarrassing I did not write the second half of the chapter I left my notes I'm so stupid. Whom ever has read this I'm so sorry I'm fixing it]

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