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Some where about the fifth episode in Phil had shed his leather jacket and began to drift off again. He rested his head on my shoulder nuzzling into my neck sending shivers down my spine. "'mm you're warm."

"Thanks?" I said wrapping an arm around Phil's back. His breaths were evening out.  I could tell he had almost departed from consciousness. "Thank you for standing up for me." I whispered, "And for everything." I said my cheeks growing flushed.

The corners of Phil's lips turned upward, giving me a soft smile. He was cute I really couldn't lie. He had so many people at school swooning over him. What would that make me? A bandwagoner? No not that, cause I didn't like Phil. I couldn't like Phil.

I looked down at his hand that was resting beside my thigh. His knuckles were bruised and scabbed. I shook my head. Why would he put himself in harms way to save me. Me of all people, one of the the most worthless beings in existence and he stood up for me - a lonesome being.

My thoughts ran wild, I involuntarily began tracing his tattoos scattering his arms. Why would Phil even put up with a useless, waste of space like me. I'm just a burden, lets be real.

After another episode had passed I began to settle down and my eyelids drooped shut. Last thing I saw was the image of Sarah Michelle Gellar before following in Phil's steps by drifting off.

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