Chapter One//Roses

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OK so I know Dan and Phil moved apartments but I'm basing this in the old London apartment because they aren't doing a house tour of the new one .-.

Y/N-Your name

H/C-Hair color

E/C-Eye color

F/C-Fav color

"That'll be £4.99 Miss," The florist said cheerfully handing you your F/C roses.

I handed over a £10 note and received my change, would the hospital allow me to bring in flowers? Especially into the allergy ward. Ah oh well, if not I'll keep them for myself as F/C is my favorite color.

I was walking down the London high-street looking for a bus stop as it began to rain so I started running covering the roses under my jacket, this was when the pavement became extremely slippery and yes, I slipped over on the pavement in front of multiple apartments and people. No of course nobody helped, why would they? I'm old enough to help myself up off the ground, it'd probably be different if I was a child...

Inspecting inside my jacket I noticed a few thorns pierced through the plastic wrapping of the roses and pricked my hand, I wasn't to bothered about this though. Just as I decided to get up off the wet, cold pavement, as people where staring, I felt a comforting hand be placed gently on my shoulder.

"Are you ok? We saw you fall and came over," A familiar sounding voice asked. "O-oh, I'm OK?" I said slowly turning my head; a man with pale white skin, ebony black hair and a familiar smile stared back at you, it was Phil Lester, he seemed a lot paler in real life, but I guess that's just because of the camera quality. He moved the hair away from his eyes as he looked back at his friend. It was Dan Howell, he had chocolate-brown hair, copper colored eyes and slightly tanner skin than his friend.

"Do you need some help up?" Phil asked inspecting you to see if you're hurt. "Aha sure, thanks." I said happy to accept the offer, Dan walked over to Phil's side and introduced himself, "Ah, hey I'm Dan." Dan said holding his hand out hoping I'd shake it. "I'm Y/N." I said shaking his hand, I stared into his copper eyes longingly, why was Dan so attractive? I mean, Phil's attractive too but I could never think like that, as the phandom says, 'Phil is our smol bean'. He's simply too precious and sweet. "And I'm Phil." Phil said noticing I was staring at Dan a little to long, he held out his hand hoping you was willing to shake it "And again, I'm Y/N." I said making Dan, Phil and I all chuckle. "Oh wow your roses, they're ruined" Phil said pointing out the snapped stems on the F/C roses. "Who're the roses for?" Dan said winking then giving off a small, awkward chuckle. "My sister, she's in hospital" I said feeling my eyes sting from the salty tears developing in eyes, this was when I fell unconscious.

Roughly 3 minutes later I regained consciousness, I was being carried? By who? Well assuming it was either Dan or Phil  their jacket sleeve was very comforting so I snuggled into their arms and drifted back into sleep.

A few hours later, I woke up. In a bed. Had this been a dream? Was I only dreaming getting up this morning? Well I rolled over and went to check my phone when I opened my eyes and realized that I was not in my bed, but I was in Dan Howells bed, still in my shoes and socks! So out of guilt I slipped off my shoes, brushed off the bottom half of the bed making sure there was no mud on his bed and placed my shoes next to the bed. I then slid back under the black and grey bed sheets, this bed was a lot more comfortable than mine so a might as well make the most of it, as it was a pretty much a celebrities bed.

Just as I began to drift back into sleep again I heard Dan and Phil arguing in the lounge. "Dan you can't just let her stay in your bed, what if she's crazy? What if she thinks she's kidnapped?" Phil said. "It's fine, she knows who we are, just before I lied her on my bed I checked the medical ID on her phone and her lock screen was a picture of us from PINOF 1." Dan replied reassuringly. Ugh I knew I should've changed my lock screen, how embarrassing. "Well you can just let her sleep in your bed forever, one of us has to wake her up and it will not be me." Phil said stubbornly. "Ok, ok, I'll go now." Dan said as he began walking down the hallway to where I was currently sleeping.

"Hey, uh Y/N" Dan said rubbing your arm hoping this would wake you. "Hmmnn?" I grumbled trying to make it seem I had been woken, "Er, you're safe. You passed out outside so we brought you to our apartment and you've been asleep a couple hours." Dan said sitting on the bed. I rolled over to face him and opened my eyes, he looked worried. "Ah ok." I said looking around and pretending to only just notice the fact I was in his bed and sat myself up awkwardly. "So what happened?" Dan said looking around his room, "Well I don't really know, I must've hit my head when I fell, or the  shock, I honestly don't."I yawned "Know," I added finishing my sentence. "Well, Phil was carrying you back and you seemed to take a fancy to his jacket so he decided to slip it on you hoping you'd be more comfortable," Dan said rubbing the back of his neck. I hadn't realized this, oops. "Oh," I said awkwardly, taking Phils jacket off and handing it to Dan. "It's ok, Phil said it was ok too, as long as he gets it back." Dan said giving a comforting smile.

"How about we go into the lounge?" Dan asked. "Sure," I replied with, Dan helped me out of his bed and escorted me to the lounge.

AUTHOR: Ok so at the end of these I'll write like a little something about whatever and it'll have the little 'AUTHOR' so you know it was me ;). But I'll try and make these 1000 words each (as this one is, but give me some feedback, is it too long, too short, needs more detail, needs less detail etc etc. And also this will most likely be a hobby writing but I will try and update as often as possible and I'm not the most 'wordy' so if some descriptions are very basic then apologies :P Cyaaaa ('u')

Roses🌹 Dan and Phil x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now