Men, am I right?

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I opened my eyes slowly. Today was the day we were leaving for VidCon. I've never been to anything like this before so hopefully, it'll be a unique experience. I rolled over to the left to check my phone, 9:52 am. Fuck. We're supposed to be leaving at 10 am. Thank fucking god I packed my bags last night. Why didn't they come and wake me? Whatever...

10:30 am. Boarding the plane

Just as I took my seat between Dan and Phil a short woman with brown hair approached me. "You are sitting in my seat," She said to me with extreme agitation in her tone.

"What?" I responded nervously, I didn't have a specific booked seat like Dan and Phil, but I was hoping nobody would notice.

"I booked this seat, row 8, seat B. Now move it." She said with an even more annoyed tone, almost bored. I looked over to Dan.

"Can you not just sit somewhere else?" Dan said embarrassedly.

"No, I have specifically booked this seat, if any of you have a problem then get off." She pointed to the exit of the plane.

"Fuck you," I said as I stood up and barged past her. What a fucking idiot, the only other available seat was next to some guy who looked bored out of brains. This is going to be a fun plane ride.

"Hey is this seat taken?" I said awkwardly gesturing to the empty seat next to his bag. He looked up, oh god, this is so awkward.

"Uh, no I don't think so, why'd you ask?" He said with an American accent.

"Oh, I got moved out of my seat. Is it ok if I sit here?" I stuttered. He's kinda hot...

"Of course." He smiled.

10 am, LA

"Well, it was nice flying with you. Hopefully, I will see you at VidCon!" The stranger said as he got off the plane. We really hit it off actually, I found out he was going to VidCon too. I walked down the aisle to find Dan and Phil. As I was walking down the plane aisle looking into the seats to find Dan and Phil, I walked into someone.

"Sorry!" I blurted out. Oh god, can this plane journey seriously get any worse? It was the woman who made me move seats. She looked me up and down with disgust and barged past me, what a dick.

"There you are Y/N," Phil said pulling me into a warm embrace. "Are you okay? Did you find a seat okay?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I'm alright," I looked up to find Dan, he was getting his bag. "I managed to sit next to some guy who was going to VidCon too." Dan stopped.

"Who?" Dan said abruptly.

"His name was- Oh, I actually forgot to get his name..." I said quietly. Dan seems annoyed

"Well, at least you had a good flight Y/N. The woman who insisted to sit with us was flirting with Dan the whole time and when he told her to take a hint she went off in a strop to the toilets and sat there for a good hour!" Phil butted in giggling as he gestured to Dan waiting to leave the plane.

"Let's just go okay? Y/N I've got your bags." Dan said pulling three suitcases and carrying a backpack.

"Oh okay," I said awkwardly as I walked down the aisle towards the exit.

11 am. The Hotel.

"Room 304B please," Phil said asserting himself to find the room.

"For Mr Daniel Howell?" The desk worker questioned.

"That's me," Dan said as he looked up raising his hand. He placed the suitcases in front of me and walked over with his hand in his pocket. He smoothly took the key from the hotel workers grasp and walked back to me to retrieve the suitcases filled with mine and his items.

When we got to our hotel room we realised, there was a problem.
"What do you mean there's only two beds?" Dan said agitatedly down the phone. The hotel was completely booked up and us three where stuck with a two bed room. Perfect. In all honesty I wouldn't mind sleeping on the couch, I wouldn't mind even sleeping with either of the boys. I'm just not fussed. Dan slammed the phone on the bed, so it didn't break on the harsh wooden floor.
"The hotel manager can't do anything about it, he says we should've changed our reservation weeks before we did." Dan says
"We'll just have to book a different hotel then," Phil said, thinking he sounded sensible.
"I don't mind where I sleep to be honest," I chirped positively as I sat cross-legged on one of the double beds. "The sofa seems like a viable option."
"You can't sleep on the sofa, it'll kill you back," Phil said trying to shoot down my idea.
"Also, I don't mind if I share with one of you guys, I've done it tons of times before," I remarked back at him. Dan and Phil both looked at me, maybe I shouldn't have said that.
"You can sleep next to me if you want Y/N," Phil said like a little school girl talking to her crush, he's so adorable.
Dan scoffed "Phil she can't possibly sleep next to you, you move around too much in your sleep. You'll probably end up rolling on top of her and suffocating her," Dan shot half jokingly.
"Yeah well you can't say much Dan, you will-," Phil stopped what he was saying. "I'm not going to say that," he added quickly.
"No say it." Dan barked.
"No Dan, I have some respect for you, I'm not going to make you seem like some weird pervert!" Phil shot back. I stepped in between the two arguing men, if I didn't stand in now this would probably escalate.
"I'll just sleep on the couch." I said dryly as I walked over to the kitchen to get a drink. Men, am I right? I sighed and sat down at the breakfast bar and looked at my phone.

Roses🌹 Dan and Phil x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now