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I woke up on the sofa? Did I fall asleep here overnight? Oops. Ugh and to top it all off I'm still in Dan's t-shirt and it was riding its way up my legs so to make sure I didn't flash anyone if they came in the living room I pulled it down. After trying to go back to sleep and failing I decided to get up off the sofa, it was really uncomfortable. I hesitantly walked down the hallway to Phil's room, I knocked on the door. No response. I knocked again and heard a mumble come from inside.

I opened the door to see Phil standing just about to open the door, the only thing is he was in his boxers. Just his boxers. "Oh err, you don't mind do you? Its getting a bit warm at the moment considering its summer and er. I can change if you want." Phil said nervously pulling up his boxers. I'm not even going to hold back on this, Phil was HOT. He had such an amazing body, "Er yeah its fine, hah." I replied hastily. "So er, what do you want?" Phil said anxiously "Oh, can I um borrow your phone charger? My phones dead and..."I said nervously trying not to look any lower than his chest. "Yeah it's on my bed. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." Phil said edging past me. I walked over to his bed, and jumped onto it. It was pretty comfy! Well anything is more comfy than their sofa, jeez. And not to mention, his bed smelt amazing! Not in a er, weird way but you know what I mean. I found his charger under his pillow and walked to the living room where I plugged it into my phone. Soon after Phil came to my side, "I'm going to the shops quickly, we need some milk. I won't be long." He said and gave me an awkward hug. "OK cya soon." I said sitting at the sofa and checking my phone.

Once Phil got changed and left I decided to check on Dan to see if he was awake yet. I walked over to his room still in his shirt and quietly opened the door careful not to wake him, he was still asleep. Perfect. I tiptoed over to the side of his bed, he was laying on his back, even more perfect. Then cautiously I edged myself onto his chest and said "Wake uuuppppp." Loud enough so he could hear. Dan slowly opened his eyes and in a playful way pushed me back so I was sitting on his stomach. "Wake uuuuppp!" I said louder bouncing up and down like a child waking their parent up on Christmas. "Ha ha, OK just stop bouncing on my stomach otherwise I'll hydro-pump in your face." Dan said quietly, I could tell he was still half asleep. "OK." I replied moving off him and sitting on next to him. "So you ready to get up Danny?" I said in a joking manner, no response. "Dan?" I asked again. I looked over to him, he's gone back to sleep! In attempt to wake him up again I poked his side, no reaction. So I decided to sit further up his chest and leaned over so my face was about 5 inches away from his and shouted "DAN!" startling him. "Oh for fucks sake Y/N, can't I get some sleep?" He said through a smile. "Nope." I said back to him trying to be as irritating as possible. Dan pulled me into a hug and rolled me next to him. "Er Dan." I said to him "Shh." Dan said pulling me in closer so our noses were touching. "Da-" I tried to say before I got cut off, he began to kiss me. Like FULL ON, he was kissing me passionately. Like in those love scenes where the guy comes back for the girl who is about to leave at the airport. He began to sit both of us up on his mattress, he moved his hands down to my hips and began to ride his hands up the shirt I was using as a nightie. I wasn't protesting. I was enjoying it. He slowly lifted my "nightie" up and we had to break our kiss for a moment so he could take the shirt off. We instantly resumed the kiss and he had his hands on my hips. He then pulled his duvet over him and I and said "Now shh." As he put his hand on my hip. I didn't say anything.

I was in shock, yesterday Phil kissed me and now this morning Dan has kissed me. What is this crazy place of life mixed with fan-fiction. I feel like this shouldn't be happening to me, why not one of the more pretty and talented fan girls. But this was a dream come true, I was sleeping next to Dan, in his bed, not to mention with minimal clothing. Heck it is any girl member of the phandoms dream. Just as I was falling into sleep I heard the front door open, fuck it was Phil. I can't let him see me in Dan's bed that'll be awkward, he'll think we got up to something. So I quickly jumped up out of Dan's grasp and forgetting the shirt I was wearing jogged out of his room to the kitchen before Phil saw me. "Phil?!" I yelled to him. "Yeah?" Phil yelled back. "What can I have for breakfast? I'm hungry!" I said loud enough for him to hear. "Hold on." Phil said, I could hear his footsteps from the end of the hallway.

"Oh er jeez." Phil said noticing me in my bra and pants as he walked in the kitchen, he didn't seem too bothered about it though. "What do you want for breakfast then?" Phil said looking around the kitchen. "Is cereal ok?" I uttered back. "Yeah, just don't tell Dan." Phil whispered as he winked at me. He grabbed the cereal from the side and got a bowl out the cupboard. He took the milk out the bag and poured the cereal into the bowl followed by some milk, "The spoons are in the drawer behind you." Phil said pointing behind me. "Ah OK." I said turning around to get a spoon. That was when I heard my phone ringing. "One sec." I said jogging out the kitchen to answer my phone. It was my Landlord.

"Hello?" I said. "Yes hello, is Y/N L/N there?" He said obviously making sure it was me. "Speaking." I said sharply. "Well hello Y/N, I'm just calling to say that somebody has offered to pay almost double for your apartment and well. I'm kicking you out. Have your bags packed by tomorrow, thanks." He said quickly and hung up the call. This can't be happening, were am I going to go? I obviously couldn't handle this news, it was so sudden. Why would someone want to pay double for my crappy apartment? It only had two rooms and a tiny living room and kitchen. I just sat on the sofa, curled up in a ball and I cried. I cried and Phil came rushing into the living room to comfort me, "Whats wrong?" Phil said as he brushed hair out of my face. "I-I just got evicted from my apartment, I have no where to go." I said fighting back the tears. Phil then lifted me onto his lap and began to hug me, "It's going to be OK." He said in a calm reassuring  voice. "You can stay here if you need to." He added brushing his hand through the back on my hair, I just cried into his shoulder as he was rubbing my back. "Thank you." I uttered. "Whats going on?" Dan said walking into the living room. Before I could say what happened Phil jumped in and said "She's been evicted from her apartment." Dan looked shocked "Oh shit Y/N I'm so sorry." Dan said as he walked over and rubbed my shoulder. "Where are you gonna go?" He added. "I offered for her to stay here if that's OK?" Phil said for me. "Yeah of course." Dan said as he sat down on the sofa. "I'll go get your breakfast." Phil said as he slid me off his lap. "OK." I said softly, whimpering slightly. Without even asking me Dan pulled me into a hug, not a romantic hug but the kind of hug that's like 'I care about you' and 'I know you need this hug'. "I love you Y/N, I'll always be here for you." Dan said as he caressed my cheek. I just shoved my head into his bare shoulder and let out a muffled cry.

Phil came back with my cereal and I ate in silence, I didn't say a word, Dan and Phil were discussing where I would stay, they decided that I should stay in the gaming room as there was a sofa bed in there and they would have to just work around it for their gaming channel...

AUTHOR: WAGWUNNN Ok imma leave it here cos i gotta like turn my PC off its 00:00 lol peace out

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