Chocolate Pools

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"Dan pass the remote politics is boring, and I'm sure Y/N doesn't want to watch politics," Phil said as he leant over me to snatch the remote from Dan. Dan quickly swiped the remote away and continued to watch the news. I rolled my eyes,  Dan must have noticed as he changed the channel over to cartoon network, Adventure Time was on. "Yay!" Phil yelled playfully almost spilling his bowl of cereal. "Careful Phil, holy fuck." Dan laughed.

I looked over to Phil, the light from the open window was reflecting off his ebony hair and his blue eyes, like the ocean, they were iridescent and flecked with every shade of blue. He looked over at me and smiled. I couldn't help but look at him, he was beautiful. Many people preferred Dan to Phil, it was just fact. Everyone always complimented Dan for his 'good looks' and 'great content' but if they just looked at Phil open-mindedly they would see the exact same.

//Time Skip//

"I'm so booorreeedddd!" I said childishly as I threw my head down onto Dan's lap. Normally when one of us said we were bored Phil would always suggest something, so I looked over to Phil hoping he would put forward something like he normally does, "How about we have a little party later?" Phil said excitedly. "Who will be coming?" I said nervously as I sat up off Dan's lap, I looked back to him and gave him a sympathetic look to say 'Hold on give me a second'. "Me, you, Dan, Chris and PJ?" Phil said looking concerned. "You know them right?". "Oh yeah, fantastic foursome, KickTheStickz," I said relaxing back down onto Dan's lap. "Ok don't say that in front of them, they nearly stopped talking last time it was mentioned," Phil said quickly. "Oh..." I said shamefully, an embarrassment that spread to my face turning it a bright pink.

As I had my head laid on Dan's lap, He ran his fingers through my H/C hair. I looked up to him, His caramel eyes glistened too, from the morning sun rays passing through the glass window of their apartment, Dan's liquid brown eyes looked down at me sorrowfully. I felt like I was falling into a pool of deep chocolate. Phil's eyes had been blue and were like falling into the sea when I was with him, and the sea is dangerous. Chocolate is not a dangerous thing, however, books always go on about how blue eyes are pretty, but brown eyes are just as beautiful.

"I'm gonna get some food bits for this 'party' later," Phil said standing up from sofa breaking my thought, "Oh erm h-yeah," I stuttered out awkwardly, I'm such an awkward freak... I wonder what they must think of me sometimes. "How long are you gonna be?!" Dan shouted out before Phil left the apartment. "About an hour! I need to go to quite a few shops!" Phil shouted back as he closed the door softly.

"Perfect," Dan whispered as he gently put his hand on my back and sat me up "What did I do?" I said worriedly thinking I had upset him, I liked Dan a lot, I didn't want to ruin our connection. "Nothing," Dan smirked, The smirk grew over his face like a lazy teacher's check mark, the faded "red ink" stretching up into his dimple. "Oh, um OK," I said awkwardly, once again. I'm so awkward. honestly. I stretched my arms out, one of my arms moving in front of Dan's face. "Uhh Y/N can I ask you something?" Dan said anxiously like he needed to get something off his mind.

"Why were you taking those roses to your sister the other day, you know. When you fell and we brought you back to our apartment..." Dan whispered. I didn't respond, holy shit. My sister. This whole time frolicking with my favourite YouTubers I didn't once think about my sister. My sister who is in fucking hospital! "Of course you don't have to tell me if it's personal, I was just wondering." Dan spluttered out clumsily. My eyes welled up with tears, "Y/N- Oh Y/N. Shit shit shit did I say something? Has something happened?" Dan said hastily, worry lacing his words. "My sister," I choked, tears rolling down my cheeks forming wet lines. "She's in the hospital, I don't know whats happened to her, I haven't checked my phone in days," I said all at once. Standing up I ran to the hallway and grabbed my coat and put my trainers on. I honestly do not care if I go outside in my pyjamas. "Y/N- oh for fuck's sake Y/N at least get-" I started running down the stairs, not even bothering to bring my phone or brush my hair, that is the least of my worries. "Oh Y/N wait," Dan said worriedly running after me down the stairs.

The air is frozen lace on my skin, delicate and cold, like winter waves on shallow sand. The sky is washed with grey, watery light illuminating thin patches to brilliance. In some moments I am watching my trainers over the frozen sidewalk, perfect concrete slabs, flat and square, and in others transfixed to the interplay of cloud and the sun above. For some reason, my mind conjures a stone mosaic made beautiful by the shards of a mirror and I want to keep my eyes heaven bound while my imagination makes them one thing. Only the slipping of my feet brings my attention earthward once more, the need to stay upright and keep going. I am determined. "Y/N, so down! Holy shi-. How can you walk so fast?" Dan called in the distance as he caught up to me.


"I'm sorry Miss Y/L/N, Katherine Y/L/N is not available right now. She is resting." The ginger receptionist said behind the desk. "You don't understand! I need to see her! She is my sister for God's sake!" I yelled at the receptionist, people were beginning to stare. At this point. I. Do. Not. Care. "Ma'am, she is not available right now." The receptionist said standing up and raising her voice. Dan was just standing next to me awkwardly, I could tell he wanted to put in his input. But decided not to obviously. "I am going to see my sister! If you're going to be an asshole and not take me to her, I'll go to her myself!" I spat. Dan nudged me. "What?"I hissed at him. "4B." Dan said quietly "Floor four, ward B." I looked at him questioningly, "Oh come on let's go." Dan said aloud as he pulled me away from the front desk, the receptionist looking smugly assuming she had won.

"Ward.....B!" Dan said excitedly, I was anxious. Had something happened to her? Just as I was getting lost in thought, Dan's phone received a text message. "Shit I didn't tell Phil where we were going, he's locked out the apartment with loads of food!" Dan giggled. Floor 4. Ward B. Room 6A. There was a scruffily written note on the door saying 'Katherine Y/L/N' Finally! "She's in here," I whispered to Dan pointing at the door. Opening the door, I heard the voice of a male with a thick Irish accent. "Who're you?" The voiced grunted out. "Ahem, I am uh Katherine Y/L/N's sister, I would er like to see her, please," I said confidently. "She's not here, she's being relocated to another hospital in Taiwan."He spoke through gritted teeth. My eyes shifted to the side and became glazed with a glassy layer of tears. As I blinked, they dripped from my eyelids and slid down my cheeks. I bit my lip tightly in an attempt to hide any sound that wanted to escape from my mouth; my heart sank. My lower lip quivered as words slowly made their way out of my mouth."She's gone?" I looked to Dan at my side, him looking just as distraught as me. "Yes, she has severe Bacterial tracheitis and the only treatment that can be given to her in in Taiwan."He said not even facing to look at me. The tears flowed unchecked down my cheeks and dripped from my chin. I was too sad to cry out or wail, I just stood there as still as a statue while the magnitude of my defeat swept over me.

AUTHOR: Ok I didn't really know how I could advance from this point so I'll leave it here and have a Timeskip in the next chapter to the little party! Also sorry for not posting I've been really unmotivated for anything!

Roses🌹 Dan and Phil x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now