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"Ha ha! Yeah eat my dust Phil!" I yelled as in Mario Kart I had thrown a shell at Phil making him fall behind. "Nooo." Phil yelled back as I won the race. He abruptly threw down his controller and came over and started tickling me, PHIL LESTER was tickling ME. "S-stop!" I tried to say through the laughter. Phil then sat on my chest and kept on tickling me, but less intense. I knew Phil was enjoying sitting on me, tickling me. I could see it in his eyes, in his kind, warm and caring smile he was doing as he looked down at me. He stopped tickling for a moment to re adjust his fringe as it was getting in his way when I exclaimed "My turn!" and struggled to get away from Phil, but I couldn't and just flopped back down and accepted defeat. "Ha ha, looks like I win now" Phil said back staring into my E/C eyes, I'd never really noticed Phil's eyes in videos, but they look like they could contain a whole ocean. Phil slowly began to lean in for a kiss. WAIT WHAT? Phil was going to kiss me, Oh my god oh my god. What do I do? Before I could even react Phil's lips were upon mine and I was kissing him back, he was a good kisser. Wait. I am kissing Phil Lester. THE Phil Lester, a guy who's way funnier, cuter and just better in general than me. Phil then began to deepen the kiss, he was basically making out with me now, and I was allowing this. He began to move his hands to my hips and slowly lifted my up onto his lap, I can't deny I was enjoying this. But that was when Dan walked in from previously going to the shops to get snacks.

Dan's eyes filled up with this rage and betrayal that I've never seen before. He looked shocked, angry and upset all at the same time. "Phil may I speak to you for a moment, not making eye contact. "Uhhh sure Dan." Phil said awkwardly as I got off his lap. Phil followed Dan into the Kitchen where they then had their discussion.

I could hear parts of sentences from where I was sitting on the sofa, it was things like 'why' and 'for gods sake'. So being the awkwardly nosy person I am, I slowly tip-toed to the living room door where I heard part of their argument. "You know I wanted to date her Phil" Dan said quietly hoping I wouldn't hear him, well I was hearing it all now. "Yeah but she's really funny and cute, I couldn't stop myself." Phil replied in a whisper. "Ugh, we'll talk about this later. We should go back so she doesn't get suspicious." Dan replied quieter. On the second of hearing that I quickly ran back to the sofa where they awkwardly left me and plonked myself on it before they came back in.

Once both of them was back in the room Dan decided to break the awkward silence by saying "Heh Mario Kart is still on," He walked over to the console, "Want me to turn it off or?" Dan added. Before I could say anything Phil jumped in a said "Yeah, I wanna watch some TV" He jumped on the sofa next to me grabbing the remote and putting on the next episode of Doctor Who. Dan noticed Phil was sitting close to me, I can't decline that I was enjoying him pressing against my arm, but Dan came over and sat next to me too as I was sitting in the middle of the sofa.

We watched endless episodes of Doctor Who until the sun set. At this point I had only just realized the sun went down and I stood up from the sofa and said "I think I better go now." But quickly said "No please, stay for dinner." and stood up to rub my arm. "Oh, yeah sure of course." I said awkwardly sitting back down .


We was half way through another episode when Dan noticed that I was shivering, well of course its London and its always cold. "Want a blanket?" Dan said putting his arm around me and rubbing my arm. "Yes please." I replied with mid shiver. Once Dan left the room, Phil moved in towards me and stretched doing the cliche stretching and putting his arm around me, I didn't oppose. When Dan came back with the blanket Phil quickly moved his arm away and put it next to my leg where Dan wouldn't see it. The blanket Dan passed me was the soft, pink blanket they used in their 'Pastel Edits' video, "Cold still?" Dan said as I placed the blanket over me slightly covering Dan and Phil's legs, they didn't really mind. Under the blanket Dan slowly edged his hand over onto my thigh, "Phil could you start dinner?" Dan said looking over to Phil. "Yeah, OK," Phil stood up "Wait what are we having?" Phil added. "Just do whatever you can find." Dan chuckled. "Mkay." Phil responded leaving the room. "So are you good?" Dan said looking into my eyes, the artificial light bounced off his copper eyes. "Yeah I guess." I said looking at the coffee table in front of the sofa where we was sat. "Whats up?" Dan questioned snuggling up to me. "Oh its nothing..." I uttered, this whole time of having fun with my idols, I forgot about my sister in hospital. She was expecting to see me today. But I forgot, I didn't even text her. Wait. My phone. "Uh Dan wheres my phone?" I asked him, "In my room, you know where it is right?" He sighed knowing that I was changing the subject and leaving his company. "Yeah..." I murmured getting up. I quickly walked over to Dan's bedroom door and went inside and turned the light on.

My phone was on his bed. I pressed the home button to see there was 14 missed calls, 19 texts and 5 Snapchat notifications all from my sister. I felt so bad as these where all sent an hour ago. I quickly unlocked my phone and sent her a text...

Y/N:hi sorry for not being able to make it today and reply to ur messages and calls. i fell over on my way to the hospital and some guys brought me to ther apartment to help me out and I left my phon in a different room from wher we was. x

Sister:its fine i gess, u couldve txt me tho i was so disappointed wen u didnt show up x

Y/N:yer hopefully ill come next weekend :/ x

Sister:yer im getting better tho x

Y/N:good , everything is good now that youre getting good x

Sister: lol way to overuse 'good'

Y/N: lol sorry, i'm gonna go now still over these guys' house they wanted me to stay for dinner

Sister:yer lol ok see u soon hopefully x

I chucked my phone down onto Dan's bed again as it had 6% and made my way back to the living room where Dan was snuggled up to the blanket I was using, as I got closer I saw he was asleep. Inside I fangirled so much, Dan looked so cute asleep, not in a creepy way or anything... But I decided to walk to the kitchen to check up on Phil, he was crouched down by the oven taking a tray with pizza on it out. "Nice job Lester." I said startling him. "Oh yeah, heh, I just decided to do some pizza. You're ok with Pizza right?" Phil quickly replied with, I could tell he was nervous; but I didn't know why. "Yeah I love pizza, its basically my religion." I answered jokingly. Phil chuckled. "I'll bring it out in a moment, you can put what you want on the TV." Phil said charmingly, "OK," I smiled back to him.

When I got to the living room Dan was still asleep so I put a small portion of the blanket onto my legs and put on some cartoons. Normally when it was later on they didn't have that good of cartoons on, but I liked Nickelodeon (because I have the brain of a 7 year old) so it didn't really matter what was on. A few minutes later Phil walked in with two plates of pizza and exclaimed "Dan you'll have to get your plate I can only carry two!" Waking Dan abruptly "Mmm, yeah ok." Dan said sleepily, he got up and put the blanket over my lap fully and drowsily walked to the kitchen, Phil then placed my plate of pizza onto my lap. "So what are we watching then Y/N?" Phil said taking a bite of his pizza. "Nickelodeon, not sure what TV show it is but it's funny." I said passing him the remote "Want to change the channel?" I added. "No, no its fine so far I'm finding it funny too." He said comfortingly and smiled at me. "Ok." I said to him as I snuggled into his shoulder, I found comfort in snuggling into people taller than me, I used to do it with my parents when I was younger so I guess I've just developed it.

Dan walked into the living room with his plate of Pizza and sat down next to me, "Can I have some of the blanket?" Dan said going to grab the blanket. "Yeah of course." I said granting him permission.


After finishing our pizza and putting our plates into the living room, I was quite tired so I nuzzled into the blanket to make myself comfortable and slowly dozed off .

AUTHOR:Woohoo update finally, I kinda forgot about this but now I'm gonna try and update a little more as I have a week off school ;) peace out bros

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