I think I love him

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  Never had a few moments seemed like an eternity as I feel my consciousness ebbing away, and my thoughts, as clear and concise as they were mere moments ago, were coming to an end. My eyes grow heavy from the strenuous effects of excessive agitation of the brain. I had not prepared for such a weakness.  At once, I was struck with incoherence, an inconsistency to my thoughts, as I knelt down and leaned a shoulder against the wall—for I had already decided to give myself away to my pursuer, to sleep, to be silent to the world before the rest of me ever hit the cold wooden floor.

A foggy landscape blurs into my mind, a desaturated wasteland. I'm sitting cross-legged in the high grass pondering my thoughts when a figure begins to glitch toward me. I try to stand up, to sprint away from whatever this menacing silhouette was. I was paralyzed in a single position with only the ability to move my eyes. I tried to scream; I couldn't. The figure was coming closer, a meter per second maybe. Until the figure was in front of me. It was Dan. He looked at me with pure disgust that I have never seen before. 

"You are worthless," He spat putting emphasis on 'you'. "You really aren't worthy of staying in our apartment, we offered for you to move in out of pity. You wont even be able to pay us rent." He said throwing a dagger of words through my chest.

The barren land began to shake and deteriorate around us until I let out a scream as I realized nothing was happening. I looked down and saw a deep dark abyss. The darkness reached out for me, its hands wrapped around me, pulling me down, beckoning me to drop. I gazed at the night sky above me- the only thing I could see- a shadow loomed and then disappeared. I closed my eyes, knowing my fate. The darkness welcomed me, smiling deviously. I was falling down.

I woke up on the sofa under a soft blanket, screaming. I'd been ripped out of the nightmare and my only reaction was to scream. I covered my head in the blanket that had been placed on top of me for warmth as I heard footsteps jogging to the lounge where I was. 

"Y/N?" Phil said cautiously. 

The footsteps got closer until the blanket covering my head was pulled gently away from my face. 

"Why did you scream?" Phil said in the middle of a yawn. "I had a nightmare..." I whimpered feeling stupid for making such a scene. "Oh Y/N," Phil said comfortingly as he awkwardly pat my shoulder.

 "Ummm, do you want to sleep in my bed? I read somewhere after a nightmare it more comforting and relaxing to sleep near or next to someone. But that is if you want to ofcourse I dont want to make you feel more uncomfortable, well you already are uncomfortable but like I dont want to add to the reasons why you're uncomfortable and now Im just rambling. Sorry." Phil said quickly and nervously. 

"Sure," I said slowly and carefully as I stood up off the sofa.

In the darkness of the  living room there were shapes in monochrome, of course the daylight could bring brilliant fuchsia or deepest scarlet, but for now it could be a scene from a black and white movie. Phil took my wrist gently and led me down the dark corridor until after a short walk we reached his bedroom door, he kept a grip on my wrist as he fumbled around for the light switch. He guided me over to his bed.

 "That's my bed," He said awkwardly pointing to it. "Make yourself comfortable?

Then I felt this blackness come over me. Like a blanket, but not a blanket of warmth but a blanket of coldness making me shiver. But somehow it's making my eyes feel heavier and heavier. I finally close my eyes finally sending me into a dreamless sleep.  

Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind me. I sit up and rub my knuckles onto my eyes. I stretch my arms above my head and yawn. I look over to the other side of the bed to see nobody there. However there was a piece of paper that said

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