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Slight Smut Warning//Swearing Warning

I wake up with my face pressed against Dan's. Er? Oh yeah, I remember now, I fell asleep in his bed because it was too late to set up mine upstairs. But why was he sleeping with me? Maybe he got uncomfortable on the floor. Only then did I realise Dan was also hugging me, aw cute. I managed to wriggle free and I walked out of his room. Well, that was a welcoming first night. I decided to knock on Phil's door to see if he was awake. No response. I opened the door to be faced with Phil asleep.

He looked so adorable asleep, he has the kind of resting face that is so cute you just want to instantly hug him on eye contact. I tip-toed over to his bed careful not to wake him and sat on his bed. "Morning," I whispered in his ear. His eyes flickered open. "Hmmph." Phil groaned as he rolled over. "Wake up lazy bones!" I yelled to him as I jumped on him. "Oh for gods sa-" Phil was cut short as he realised who he was yelling at, "Oh morning Y/N," Phil said awkwardly sitting up. "Morningggg," I said hugging his torso. Phil delicately wrapped his arms around me. "Er morning?" Phil said wearily. "You OK?" I said letting go of him and looking up into his crystal blue eyes. "Er yeah, just let me put my glasses on quickly. I can't exactly see anything." Phil said chuckling as he leant away to his bedside table and put his glasses on.

"Hold on..." Phil said standing up and walking over to his wardrobe and putting on some pyjama bottoms and his Papyrus t-shirt he used in the Undertale gaming series. "Nyeh heh heh," I said in the voice Phil uses for Papyrus in a taunting way. "Yeah, very funny." Phil said pretending to be irritated walking towards me "Coffee?" I said walking over to the door. "Yeah sure..." Phil said as if something was bothering him. "Whats up?" I said walking so I was in front of him. "It's just-" Phil said before he kissed me. He ran his tongue over my lips begging for entrance,  which I happily granted. He pressed his forehead against mine and cupped my cheek and gave me a questioning look, I nodded in response. He ran his fingers through my h/l h/c hair and put it behind my ears and began to kiss my neck leaving a hickey, I held back my moans of pleasure, Phil obviously noticed and grind his hips against mine as he grabbed my wrists and pinned me down to his bed.

This was when Dan walked in "Oh shit, did I walk in on something?" He said his face turning a bright shade of pink. Phil instantly stood up and pulled me up with him "Er no." He said readjusting his glasses. I quickly walked out of the room to Dan's room where my hairbrush was so I could sort out my bed head. Little did I know that Dan was following me, but we'll get to that in a moment. I opened the door to his bedroom, "it's pretty dark in here..." I thought to myself out loud as I walked over to Dan's lamp. "What are you doing?" Dan said leaning against his door frame. "I was just coming in to brush my hair," I said quietly, not looking at him feeling embarrassed. "Well ok, I'm getting changed in here if you don't mind." He said brushing past me. "Oh yeah, no problem." I said avoiding eye contact, "Whilst your over there could you close my door? I want to ask you something." Dan said winking at me as he pointed to the door. As he winked at me I got butterflies in my stomach and I followed his instructions and closed the door.

"So you and Phil got it on huh?" Dan purred edging over to me. "Er yeah, sorry about you having to, er see that?" I stuttered feeling my face become hot. Dan winked at me again. "Oh don't worry about it," Dan said and said something under his breath. "What was that?" I teased, looking into his copper brown eyes. "I said," Dan looked nervous. Why? "It should've been me." He huffed. I stopped in my tracks. "What?" I said to Dan hoping I was imagining what he said. "Did you not hear me?" Dan said irritably. "IT. SHOULD. OF. BEEN. ME." He said before he slammed his lips against mine, I pulled away. "Uhm Dan?" I said worriedly "Whats up?" I sat down on his bed.

"Y/N, I love you." He sat next to me on the bed. I shied away as he moved a stray piece of hair from my face, "Well Dan," I began to say "Shhh." Dan cooed as he put his hand on my upper thigh. I gulped. Dan's hand slowly but surely edged it's way up my oversized shirt and undid my bra clasp. I gasped in reaction. These two men were my idols, I'm living with them after like two days of knowing them and now both of them are making moves on me. IN THE SPACE OF 10 MINUTES. My mind came back to reality and Dan had taken off his pyjama top.

"Err, Umm." I stuttered out. "Chill out Y/N, it is hot." Dan laughed as emphasised 'it is'. "I, um. Ah. I'm just gonna go take a, uh shower." I said as I stumbled out the bedroom. As I walked down the hallway I saw Phil in the kitchen making breakfast. "Hey!" I said cheerfully repressing what has happened recently. "Oh hi Y/N, want breakfast?" Phil said as he quickly turnt around holding a bottle of tomato ketchup. "Yeah sure, I'm just gonna jump in the shower quickly." I said turning around. "Yeah ok it's going to be done soon though." Phil said disapointedly. "Ok." I said as I left the kitchen.

Third Person Perspective.

As Y/N stumbled off to take her morning shower still in shock of the recent events Dan decided that he would confront Phil about the fact that he had made a move on her, When Dan clearly wanted to. "So Phil.." Dan said walking into the kitchen. "Yeah?" Phil said turning around smiling at his 'best friend' "Why did you decide to make a move on Y/N? You know I love her, anyway you could never love her like I do." Dan said angrily, annoyed at Phils optimism. "Dan, you didn't even want to check to see if she was ok when she had fallen over the other day. It was my idea! Besides she likes me more." Phil said confidently. "Since when did she decide that?" Dan said clenching his fists. "Well considering she came into my room this morning to check on me, she left you." Phil said continuing to fry the eggs that he had started. "Because I was alseep, Phil can we just drop this. I feel stupid for even approaching you. We have been friends for like 8 years? We cant let a girl come into our life and ruin our friendship." Dan said sorrowfully, "Yeah sure sorry Dan," Phil said as he walked away from the sizzling egg that lay on the frying pan and pulled dan into a warm embrace of forgiveness.

AUTHOR: Ok I'm back lol. I had to take some time off because you know, writers block. But yeah hopefully I can update more <3 Also let me know what you think about 'Third Person Perspective'. Ok bye guys.

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