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Two weeks later after going over everything Tyler and Jenna needed to prepare for their meeting, the two set out to the nearest adoption center. They both agreed that the first kid they laid their eyes on would be the perfect child. 

They walked into the center hand in hand to meet with a social worker. 

"I am Ms.Shirley, pleased to meet you" she reached out to shake their hands.

"Tyler" he held out his trembling fingers and met her halfway.

"Jenna" she said with her signature bright smile. 

"Well we first want to discuss how adoption works. There are a few foster homes in this vicinity, but the nearest one is just down the street. As we have seen from your paperwork and previous house inspections you are more than equipped to adopt. We can go there now if you guys are prepared." she took a deep breath and waited for their answers.

"So we meet the child or children and pick?" Tyler asked, a hint of confusion in his voice.

Ms. Shirley nodded. "You may choose, and within a day or two, the child will have time to prepare, you can take them into your home. We like to take the process very slowly for the child's sake." she finally said.

"Ok" Jenna spoke once more "I think we are ready" she smiled again.

"Alright then, you may follow me in your car. The foster parent has organized her home and lined the kids up for inspection" To both Tyler and Jenna this felt so odd. They had to pick one and leave the rest to a home where they weren't insured care at all costs. It hurt knowing that they had to inspect a child and say that they were worthy enough to come home with them. What about the others? Would they constantly have the burning feeling that they werent good enough?


"Ok, so they are coming here in like five minutes and you guys better be good. If they take all of you then that's good news to me.  No more Janette once you guys all get the hell out of here" She always got Janet's name wrong, she never cared, only knew her to be the woman that took care of the kids while she was gone.

"That's there car" Robbie breathed out as he saw the car approach.

Anne tried to get a better look, she remembered Robbie's words from a couple weeks ago. If they choose you, don't look back. That was selfless of him to say, but she felt terrible about abandoning the people that she loved.

"Hello" they saw and older woman approach with two people behind her. "I am Ms. Shirley, and I brought two wonderful people who are excited to meet you three" she gave all three kids a toothy smile, her laugh lines evident.

"Hey I'm Tyler" the man smiled awkwardly. "And this is Jenna" he ushered to his wife. Jenna wouldn't look at the kids yet, she didn't want to break down and feel bad even though her heart was always against her.

"So this is Robert" the social worker spoke. He is the oldest of the three.

"You can call me Robbie, I only hear Robert when I'm getting yelled at by Janet." Janet smiled to herself at the comment. "Well I like painting and looking at trees, pretty boring I know." Tyler and Jenna both chuckled at Robbie's words. Jenna finally looked up to see a teenage boy as old as Tyler's youngest brother. He was quite tall and had a goofy smile.

"This is Anne" she went down the line. 

"That is Anne, my best friend and a great girl" Robbie spoke for her. "She can't speak for herself, but if she could she would tell you how awesome of a brother I am" Jenna looked into the little girl's eyes. The only girl among two boys. She looked hurt, the same hurt Jenna was just months ago.

"And lastly is Patrick" Everyone looked over the little boy who was now sucking his thumb and batting his eye lashes.

"He's the cutest" Robbie took over the commentary again. He felt the need to really tell things how they where and not through the point of view of a social worker who only knew their names.

"He's smart and loves eating pancakes. He likes cuddling and waking people up in the morning with big kisses. He's my other best friend." Robbie was content with the description he gave. 

"Pattycakes in my nickname" Was all Patrick said earning a laugh from everyone in the room.

Tyler and Jenna were given some time to decide. They stepped outside for a moment to breathe and discuss over things. 

"I want them all" Jenna said. "The oldest takes care of them both so well, and the girl is beautiful and she looks like she needs mending, and the baby is so squishy and cute he reminds me of Mercy so much" she gushed over the kids, and Tyler only listened because her happy voice was the most amazing thing he's ever heard.

"Jenna we have to pick, but we can't tear them apart from each other" he eyed Jenna as her expression fell. Her big heart once again took over and she was in a slump. She wanted to save all three kids, but all three kids saved each other for so long, and she felt as though she couldn't mess that up.


Hey guys so i know it has been such a long time since i posted. I finally found time and i hope those of you reading still enjoy. This is my fav chapter ive written and it holds so much, so i hope you love it as much as i do. please give some feedback. thanks <3

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