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Tyler and Jenna wanted to pack in as much fun as they could and give the kids all the experiences they had missed out on growing up. This time it was an amusement park. Tyler had taken a small hiatus after the tour and thought that investing more time with the kids would inspire him to write more once he had come off the hiatus.

"Let's go get cotton candy" Jenna held Anne's hand and gestures to the huge, colorful sign that read "FUN FLOSS".

Robbie, Tyler, and Patrick stood in line for the next ride, also saving a spot for the girls once they came back.

"You have to try the Cranium Shaker after this. I'll take you after this ride. Jenna never liked those type of rides and the other two aren't tall enough" Tyler told Robbie as they waited for the line to get smaller.

"Anne might want to come. I'll ask her" he suggested. Tyler was quiet, though.

He'd gotten to know her over these past few months, not like Jenna has, but Robbie would tell him about her every now and then. It's not that he was scared of her or didn't like her as much as the other kids. It's that she dropped inspiration. He loved watching her. The scars on her wrists made him sympathize with her. He knew Robbie also had scars, but he was getting help through therapy, and then there was Anne. He felt a special connection to her, but he didn't know how to carry it out.

"Anne got you a green one, Tyler" Jenna said, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Thank you, Anne" Tyler said, leaning in to kiss her forehead, and she nuzzled into his chest. This father figure to her had become someone she had grown to look forward to, even if he barely talked to her. His voice would always calm her nerves and make her feel tranquility.

"Can I have some of dat one?" Patrick asked Robbie

"Yeah buddy, here you go" he broke off a piece, giving it to the little boy with amusement on his face.

"Tanks" he smiled, cotton candy flying out of the sides of his mouth. Jenna laughed at how adorable he looked, loving that she was his mother and could watch him grow up while playing a part in his life.

"Finally" Robbie said when they opened the gate.

When they stepped onto the rickety step to the ride, Patrick had felt scared, and Jenna sensed his uneasiness right away and held onto him.

"Mommy, I'm scared" he shut his eyes, and she hugged him closer.

"This one is fun Pat. Look we can see this whole park from here." She encouraged him, and he began to remove his hands from over his eyes to watch the people beneath them.

"Yellow. Blue. Orange. Green. Purple" he began naming off all the colors that the ride had changed to.

"It looks more red than orange" Robbie joked, poking fun at Patrick, who was right behind him.

"No, orange" he corrected, proud of himself for identifying it.

After the ride was over, Anne joined Tyler and Robbie for a quick ride on the Cranium Shaker before they went home. It had to be her favorite by far. The wind in her hair had felt somewhat freeing, and Robbie's screams of joy and excitement had led to a bright smile plastering itself across her reddened cheeks.


"You're gonna sleep good tonight" Tyler told Patrick as they approached the front door. Jenna held the sleepy boy in her hands, as Tyler unlocked the door.

"Mommy, bed" he mumbled in his sleep. Jenna took him upstairs, changed him out of his clothes and into pajamas, then tucked him in with a kiss to his forehead.

"Are you okay?" She asked Anne from her doorway. Anne nodded quickly, and signed 'thank you'. This was one of the many signs that Jenna had picked up because Anne used it so often. This sweet little girl was nothing but grateful for her new family and all the amazing things that came along with it. She couldn't get used to this feeling of peace and comfort, but nonetheless, she loved it.

Surprise!! It's been like a million years, and idk if anyone is still reading, but sorry. I've been planning for college and graduation which has been hectic. I'm ready to leave my old school and "friends", and I'm ready to focus on my writing a lot more. I feel like I've lost interest in this type of writing even thought I still enjoy it sometimes. I have a book in the works, and I'm spending a lot of time on it because I want it to be perfect. Once I finish this one,  I WILL FINISH THIS FIC THAT IS A PROMISE.

Anyways thanks for reading. I really do appreciate the votes and comments and I look forward to reading the feedback, so comment all you want. Love you guys so much, and thanks again for sticking around. A next chapter will come up spontaneously. DONT REMOVE THIS FIC FROM YOUR LIBRARIES.

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