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I hate to ask, but please take one second to vote on this chapter. I think this story could help a lot of people out and more people will see it if it's ranked high enough. I appreciate you all. Happy reading!

Robbie's day at school went a little differently then he expected.

First he got into the car with Tyler, forgetting his lunchbox on the counter. So they had to drive back to retrieve it.

After reaching the college campus, he walked in. It wasn't as hard as he thought finding the class, and he was on time.

Things were going smoothly until his lunch hour, which he spent in the library texting Tyler and Josh in their group chat. They talked about how Taco Bell brought their new taco fries back and how they were for sure having them for dinner even though Tyler thought they were a bit too soggy for his liking.

While eating his lunch, which Jenna packed, of course, a girl came and sat next to him. He thought nothing of it at first until she started speaking.

"Hi, I'm Amber. What's your name?" She smiled.

"Uh Robbie" he stuttered. A cute girl was talking to him. He thought it would be rude to pull out his phone and quickly text the chat on what he should do. So instead, he tried staying calm.

"So what's your major?" She spoke again.

"Dentistry" he said.

"That's so cool actually. I'm doing Surgical Technology" she seemed nice and enthusiastic, Robbie thought.

He nodded.

"How was your first day? I was scared out of mind before I got here, but it hasn't been too bad I guess"

"It was okay" he smiled. He was doing it. He was talking to a girl who wasn't Anne or Jenna.

"That's good" she said, taking a bite of her banana.

Robbie internally laughed to himself, remembering how much Tyler and Josh hated bananas.

"What's wrong?" She said when she noticed him smiling widely.

"Oh sorry. Nothing I just remembered something funny"

"That always happens to me" she chuckled softly.

Robbie nodded. Again.

"So wanna study together sometime?" She finally asked. He could tell she wanted more than to know his name and major.

"We're studying different things though" he said bluntly.

"Maybe you're better at a subject then me, or the other way around" her face was slowly turning red.

"I guess" he shrugged.

Robbie was not understanding the situation at all.

"I just want to hang out with you. You looked really cute sitting here alone, and I just wanted to talk to you. This is really awkward. I'll just go" she started packing her things away.

Robbie sat there collecting his thoughts, and then he finally said "Wait!" Before she could leave.

"What?" She whispered, still embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. I've never talked to a girl who isn't my sister or my mom. I'm just kinda shy and I don't really know what to say or do." He confesses, awkwardly sticking his hands into his pockets.

"It's okay" she giggled. "I mean, I'm pretty shy too. I just realized that it's not high school anymore, and that the people here are complete strangers who I will most likely never see again and don't know anything about me"

"I've never been to high school. What's it like?"

And just like that Robbie struck a conversation between them.

For the rest of the week they sat in the library together talking and exchanging lunches. He missed the conversations with Josh and Tyler, but he sees them all the time. His time with Amber was now something he cherished and looked forward to everyday.


Things were going just as great for Patrick. He loved his teacher and coloring. Nap time was also his favorite because he got to sleep next to Eric. Their mats were both a soft blue color. Patrick liked matching. He also liked Eric.


With the kids gone, Tyler and Jenna had nothing to do. They missed them greatly, but they forgot how peaceful the house used to be.

While they were gone, Jenna had compiled a list of activities for the two of them to do together to rekindle their relationship.

The first one was going on bike rides together. She also made him run a mile, hike, and go on a juice cleanse with her.

Tyler missed the days when the kids were there. Where all he has to do was eat junk food with them and watch movies. However, he didn't have the heart to tell Jenna that he was not enjoying these "activities" at all. He didn't want to hurt her feelings because she enjoyed them, and he loved when she was happy.


When it was time to pick up the kids, Tyler jumped at the opportunity. Mostly because Jenna was now setting up their yoga mats and he wanted out.

Usually he picked up Anne and Patrick first.

"Hey kids" he said, once they got in the car.

"Hi Daddy" Patrick said, hugging him tightly.

"Hello" Anne signed, giving Tyler a side hug.

"How was school?" He asked.

This became a routine. They would go to school. Get picked up by Tyler. Go get Robbie. Head home. Do their homework while eating whatever snack Jenna prepared for them. Watch tv. Eat dinner together. Then go to sleep.

They functioned like a normal family. The kind both sides dreamed of having.

Jenna always pictured herself sitting on the dinner table and sharing what happened during their long day.

Robbie would talk about Amber, who became his girlfriend after a couple months.

Patrick had his first crush, on Eric, which came with a lot of funny stories from him, and a lot of love and acceptance from his family.

Anne would discuss what she learned in school. She taught her whole family how to sign properly, so now she could move her fingers quickly, and they understood everything she was saying.

Tyler just loved watching. He would tell Josh and his family whenever funny things happened in the family. Most of all he liked "firsts". Their first time having Italian food together, hiking, road tripping. Especially Christmas.

The best part was that they were all happy now.

Anne stopped cutting for good. She was in therapy trying to get help. She became a better person in the sense that she loved life now and didn't feel like an outsider.

It wasn't just that that had cured her, it was the familial bond that they hand. It was something just so unbreakable.

They felt complete and loved by one another.


The End!!!!!

Thank you to every single person that ever read, commented, or voted on this story. Your comments make me immensely happy. And even if I don't respond to all of them, I do read them and appreciate them.

I feel like this chapter was very therapeutic for me and it was definitely my favorite. I hope you all enjoyed it as well.

All the love 🖤🖤

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