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The next morning Jenna was awake before Tyler, or she thought she was. His arms were still around her, and the warmth that encapsulated them made it difficult for her to want to escape. Maybe she didn't need anyone else, maybe Tyler was enough.

"Tyler" she whispered.

He pretended to rub his eyes as if he was still tired.

"Hey" he said quietly. "Sleep ok?" He asked. All she did was nod and give him a peck on the jawline.

"I want to try again" she finally broke the silence. Tyler's eyes widened at his wife because he didn't want to put her though the horror of finding out bad news possible again.

"Are you sure?" His voice was faint, but she still nodded.

"Not soon, but I don't want to mope around" she finally came to the conclusion.

"I don't want you to get hurt. What if you get hurt again?" In all honesty he didn't want to try. He didn't want to fail.

"I'm with you, I can't stay hurt for long" her words are what kept him alive all this time.

"I think Josh is looking for me" he always knew how to escape the moments where he had no words.

"I'm sorry I did it again didn't I?" She asked her husband, and slouched back down against the pillow.

"You did nothing wrong, you just know how to say things. You know how to say words that make me think. You know I don't like thinking sometimes, but you keep me on my toes" he assured her and went to change out of the clothes he wore that night.


Anne changed out of her activity clothing and went to sit around the table for lunch. Patrick was still asleep, and Robbie was watching the paint dry. The amount of times the house was quiet was something no one could keep track of because it was always peaceful. The kind of peaceful that hurts.

"She should be home early today" Janet broke the silence. They all hated days when their "mother" came home early, it just meant they would go to bed earlier and sometimes not even have dinner.

"If only someone would take us out" Robbie sighed to himself.

Although Anne never spoke, her mind was full of different things. She pondered on what the people around her would say. Their voices. The way they would pronounce creating words. It was all fascinating to her, because she didn't have that ability to express herself with.


"Hey jish" Tyler greeted his friend.

"Sup" Josh said back. He knew not much was up, so he went back to cleaning his drums waiting for Tyler to speak again.

"I didn't say anything about adopting. She spoke. She wants to try again." He sighed.

"What if the same thing happens" Josh said the exact words that were on Tyler's mind.

"That's what I said"

The two sat there playing with their instruments and making themselves busy before the big show. It was there last night in Texas, and pretty soon they would move on to the next welcoming states.

"Don't dwell on it too much, if it makes her happy then try for her" Josh was another person that always had the right words.

Tyler would only believe that he never had the right words to say and that when he did say something people would tune him out because he couldn't get to the point fast enough.

"If only I had the words to compensate" he whispered to himself.

"You write the lyrics in this whole band thing. Your words are more important than mine" this was the constant fight him and his best friend had.

"Josh do you ever think about how it would be if you couldn't say the things you wanted?" He couldn't help but ask.

"All the time" he simply answered.  Josh never did say what he thought. His social anxiety often arose from that very thing. He had trouble saying and feeling and showing who he was in front of people until Tyler came along.

"It hurts to know some people can't say what they want to say" he told his best friend.

"They can express it in other ways" Josh assure Tyler.

"Yeah but it's not the same" he retorted picking at his thumbnail.

"I'm grateful for you Tyler" Josh finally said.
"That's what I use my voice to say" he smiled wide.

"I want to make Jenna happy. I want you to know I'm thankful for you too buddy" the two laughed at how cheesy they could be sometimes.

"Buddy?" Josh said

"Fine I'm not your buddy" Tyler chuckled shaking his head.

"Salutations my not buddy. That sounded dumb. I'm tired. This drumming really drains you" his excuse was always being tired, never having butterflies when he spoke to his best friend because of the thought that anyone could judge him at anytime.

"I don't want to try again, I'll tell her about adopting again." Tyler broke the silence once again.

Adopted by Twenty One Pilots 2Where stories live. Discover now