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The kids were slowly getting to know their new parents. Jenna would take them to the park on the warmer days, so they could experience more freedom then just walking around the house. Robbie's sketchbook was almost finished with different pictures of trees. He liked seeing the leaves slowly fall off, before they had completely disappeared, and his last drawing was of a bare tree waiting to be surrounded by snow.

"Ok Anne, you have to toss the ball to Patrick first. Then Patrick, you pass it to me. If I make it, then Robbie has to rake the rest of the leaves when we get home" Jenna laughed at a confused Robbie.

"I'm not even playing, why do I lose automatically?" he huffed, shading in the trunk of the tree.

"Because, you know how Tyler and Josh get distracted and make the pile into an even bigger mess. I hate seeing those leaves on our lawn while all the other ones are clean" she breathed, leading Anne and Patrick to their places, and then taking her own.

Our. It became a common word. The collectiveness made the kids feel like they owned something more than just a bed and some clothes. They owned a family.

Jenna and Tyler had been slowly adjusting along with the kids, and they were liking it more than they thought they would. Jenna was an amazing mother, just as Tyler had predicted. She was lacking in no category. She always had food on the table, always had laundry done, and always kept her eyes on the kids.

"Ok Anne. Are you ready?" Jenna's eyes narrowed toward Anne. She drew out the situation, making it seem more dramatic. Anne nodded, looking around her and breathing. She tossed the ball to Patrick, and he caught it perfectly. His little legs ran across the court, hurdling towards Jenna. He threw her the ball, and she stumbled a bit before catching it. She took her place on the line and aimed for the hoop. The ball circled the hoop before falling in, and when it finally dropped through the basket and onto the ground, Patrick and Anne ran towards Jenna to tackle her in a giant hug. Robbie rolled his eyes while Jenna smirked his way.

Once they got home, Jenna handed Robbie a rake and took the kids inside for some hot chocolate. They waited for Tyler to get home because tonight was going to be their first movie night together.

"Robbie, you missed a spot" Jenna teased him from the window, while Anne and Patrick giggled from behind her.

"Patrick, lets go take a bath" Jenna suggested.

"Can I have da purple ball today?" He asked, jumping up and down. For making it through their first week there, Jenna surprised the kids with small gifts. Patrick had gotten a bucket of bath-bombs. Jenna thought this gift suited him because of his love for baths and colorful things.

"Of course buddy" Jenna smiled, tousling his hair. "Anne, if you want to take a nice bath you can too" she offered, but Anne shook her head, and went to sit on the couch waiting for Tyler to get home.

Jenna often took Anne shopping for new clothes since her old ones were starting to get small. She was trying to learn sign language so she could communicate with her. She wanted to help the little girl. She wanted to be there for her and achieve a special place in her life. Little did she know, she had a very big spot in Anne's heart from the day they had been adopted. Tyler, on the other hand, interested her very much. He didn't speak very much, but she would often hear him singing or working on music. She loved his voice because it brought her a feeling of serenity.

Anne heard the knob of the door twist, and in walked Robbie and following behind him, Tyler.

"Jenna made me rake because she made a basket at the park. She got lucky, because she never makes it" Tyler laughed at his misfortune.

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