Back Off!

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It was morning the sun was rising and the sunlight was in your face and you turn around so the sunlight wouldnot bother you. You woke up because the sunlight was in the way. Woke up from the sofa wearing Jimin jacket and shorts from last night. You feel very dizzy and sick but you wanted some coffee and stay home for today. So you took a shower and wear some comfy clothes because outside it very cold and windy. You saw Jimin jacket and you got the flashbacks about you and him giving you a piggyride. You exit your apartment and started to walk to the cafe shop. You reach the cafe shop and it was cold outside you tried to rush the entrance you reach the entrance and you saw someone open the door for you.
"Oh Thank you!" You said and enter the coffee shop.
"You welcome. Wait (y/n) it that you?"
You heard your name turn around and you saw Jackson (GOT7)
"Oh, hey Jackson!" You said and smiled
"Getting some coffee in the morning!" Jackson said.
"Yeah always!" You said
"Hey, let me  buy some coffee for you?" Jackson asked.
"Oh you don't have to.."
"Two Large iced Americano please!" Jackson didn't hear and just buy it for you and him.
"You like Iced Americano?" Jackson asked and pay.
"Um yes I do" You replied
"Oh okay, good!" Jackson said and smiled at you.
"So how are you and Jooheon doing?" Jackson asked
"Pretty good. I guess today he is busy with something" You said
"Oh yeah with a fan meeting" Jackson said
"Oh really?" You asked
You check your purse for your phone and you realize that you left it on Jooheon house.
"Crap!" You said
"What's wrong?" Jackson asked and getting  worried.
"I left my phone in Jooheon house" you said while searching your purse.
"Oh I see!" Jackson said and smiled at you
"Oh no no no no! Don't think the wrong way Jackson" you said.
"Okay Okay! I will believe. I am just messing with you" Jackson said while laughing and giving your order.
"Hey we can go the fan meeting and get your phone" Jackson said and exiting the coffee shop with you.
"But how? I really don't know how to get in" you said.
"Don't worry I will do it for you. I will let you in and see Jooheon and get phone and mission complete. Easyyyyy!" Jackson said and say it in a funny way.
"Alright let's go" you said as you follow Jackson.
You got in with Jackson in the car and you saw 2 guys in the car.
"Alright (y/n) This is Jaebum and Youngjae" Jackson said
"Hey (y/n)!" Youngjae and Jaebum said.
"Hey guys!" You said and smile at them.
You and got7 were our way to Monsta x  fan meeting and you guys reach your destination.
"Alright we are here!" Jackson said while you and the others exit the car.
You enter with the others on the entrance  and someone stop you for no reason
" You can't come in ma'am unless you have a pass to enter"
"Don't worry she is with me" Jaebum says.
"Alright. You can go now"
"Thanks Jaebum" you said and enter the entrance.
"I think there already in backstage. It think it's over" Jackson say and try to open the door but it locked.
"Alright let's go in the backstage then" Youngjae said and started to walk in the backstage.
You guys went the backstage and then you saw a lot of people cleaning and getting ready to go. From far away you saw Jooheon laughing with his members and then Jooheon saw you. Jooheon got shocked and smiled then walk towards you.
"Hey (y/n), I didn't know that you were here" Jooheon said while walking towards you.
"Jackson bring me here for something I need" you said
"Oh well what do you need?" Jooheon asked.
"Well I forgot my phone in your house last night" you said and started to blush
"Oh...I see. Well I don't have it right now. I didn't bring it, it in my house" Jooheon said and blushed looking down.
"You can come with us in our car and get it for you" Shownu said and interrupt me and Jooheon.
"That is a great idea. Is that okay with you?" Jooheon said
"Yes, why not!" You said and smile at Jooheon.
"I will walk outside and meet you over there" you said while exiting the backstage.
"Sure i will see you there!" Jooheon while getting ready and cleaning up.
You walk away from the backstage and started to walk from this hallway looking down. You run over with someone you hit your face on someone chest and open your eyes and look up and it was Jimin.
"Oh I am sorry Jimin" you said while backing up.
"It's okay!" Jimin said and smiled
"So why are you here?" Jimin asked
"I have something to do and I should keep going" you replied
You walk awayfrom Jimin and Jimin grab your wrist and pull you towards him.
"No wait. Please stay with me" Jimin said and his voice change to a sweet voice.
"I can't. I am sorry Jimin, I have to go" you said and trying to back off but Jimin is holding your wrist and his other hand on my waist there was no espace.
"Hey she said that she can't so let her go."
You turn around and you saw Jooheon giving this evil look at Jimin.
"Well it's Jooheon that rapper from Monsta X" Jimin said and let me go.
"Come on (y/n)" Jooheon said and grab your wrist and walk to the exit.
You and Jooheon walk the exit  and get in the car.
"Oh crap I forgot my wallet in the backstage. Stay here I will be back" Jooheon said and exit the car.
Jooheon got in the entrance and walk towards to Jimin and grab his collar and push in the wall.
"Aish!" Jimin said by push in the wall.
"Look Jimin, you better stay away from (y/n). This is a warning you so Back Off!" Jooheon said in a angry mode.
"Chill Jooheon, she is girlfriend or something" Jimin said
"Just stay away from here" Jooheon said and let go of Jimin collar.
"Are you afraid that steal your girl like I did the other time?" Jimin said to Jooheon
"That was 6 years ago Jimin. I moved on about this and (y/n) is super different and her" Jooheon said and walk away from Jimin.
You saw Jooheon exit the place and got in the car.
"Hey did you find your wallet?" You asked.
"Yes I did! Alright let's go" Jooheon and smiled.
You guys got an hour drive from the place to his house. You got your destination and Jooheon exit the car and being a gentleman and open your door to exit. You got in his house and get your phone.
"There is your phone" Jooheon said and give your phone to you.
"Than-.." You said but you felt dizzy .
You felt dizzy and your eyes got blurry and fall down. You eyes were closed and hear Jooheon calling your name multiple times and pass out.


I saw (y/n) fall down to the floor and I freak out and grab her. I called her name multiple times and she was not responding . I don'tknow what to do so I called all my members. All the member run down stairs and saw me and (y/n) in the floor.
"What happened to her?" Shownu asked in worried way.
"I don't know. She just pass out, what should we do?" Jooheon said.
"Let's go to the hospital. Don't worry Jooheon she will be okay" Shownu said.
Jooheon pick (y/n) up and get on the car and getting out way to the hospital and he was touching your hair.
"I hope she is okay.."


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