Wait, is that Jooheon?

922 31 5

You got in car with Jackson, Mark, BamBam, and Yugyeom. The others were a different car, you been quite all the car ride. BamBam was angry and only he did was looking at the window and Mark was checking my scar in my face or any incidents and Yugyeom tried to cheer me up but it doesn't work you still sad and silent.
"Hey (y/n)..." Mark said
"Yes?" You said
"You will be fine, it just a scar in your face and that's it, no bruises or nothing" Mark said while checking.
"That's good" Jackson said while driving
"Hey cheer up (y/n)." Yugyeom said.
"Oh I'm sorry." You said and felt bad for staying quite.
"Oh I have an idea. Let's sing a song! That will cheer her up" Jackson said
"Oh that awesome. Since almost going to be December. Let's sing Confession Song" BamBam said and got happy, BamBam want to cheer you up.
"Wow it been so long we don't sing that song" Mark said.
"Alright let's go!" Jackson said and put his phone Bluetooth on his radio and put Confession song in instrumental.
They started to sing there part and they song together when is other member was not in car. You got excited that you were singing the chorus part.

The members were happy to see you smiling and singing along with them.
"Awe there you go!" BamBam said and smiled at you.
"We are here!" Jackson said and reach our destination.
"I can't wait for (y/n) food" Yugyeom said and get off the car.
You guys got enter and everyone was in the living room and start talking so Jinyoung and Youngjae walked towards you and say.
"We want to help cooking today, can we help?" Jinyoung said and asked you
"Sure why not!" You said and stand up and went to the kitchen
You guys started to cook and Youngjae was very surprised about your cooking.
"Your cooking skills are very good!" Youngjae said very suprised.
"Oh thanks" you said and cutting the onions.
You start to cry because the onions makes you cry so Jinyoung saw you and he freaked out.
"Omg why are you crying?, are you okay?, it something happened?" Jinyoung said and freak out.
"No. It's the onions" You said and point at Jinyoung the onions.
"Oh sorry, let I am going to make rice" Jinyoung said and leaves to make the rice.
You still crying for the onions and Youngjae was helping for the ingredients.
Back on the living room Jackson went to try to call Jooheon to tell him about what happened with the fans today. Jooheon didn't pick the phone so it was no use.

○○○○○45 minutes pass○○○○○
The food was ready and you put the dinning room all the food in the middle so they can pick it up by themselves.
"The food is ready!!!!" Youngjae screamed at the rest of the members.
Me and Jinyoung we give each other high five because our mission was completed.
All the members went to dinning room and saw all the food and they look very surprised about all the hard work me and other. We started to eat and telling me some crazy stories about there flights and there places they been. BamBam was sitting next to me and BamBam was only looking at your scar in your face. He felt very bad about it and he finish eating
"I'm sorry about today" BamBam say it to you and put his plate down and walk away very angry mode. You saw him leaving very angry and you looked confused.
"I'm sorry about BamBam, he just very mad about happen today" Yugyeom said
"I will go and talk to him" Jinyoung said and he was about to stand up but JB stop him.
"Just leave him alone, his anger will calm down any minute now" JB said and Jinyoung sit down and started to eat.
We finish eating and you went to clean the dishes with JB, Jackson, and Youngjae together and you putting the dishes away but your phone started to ring and you check and it was Jooheon in FaceTime. You show Jackson your phone and the others.
"Go ahead and go to my room on the left so you guys can talk private" Jackson said and point his room.
You ran to his room and close the door and pick it up.
"Hey beautiful!" Jooheon said
"Hey" you replied.
"Omg what happened to your face? Who did this to you?" Jooheon asked and looked worried.
*You tell Jooheon what happened about your face*
"Oh.. I am sorry, Don't worry it would heal in couple days" Jooheon said.
So Jooheon grab his iPad and went his social media and saw a picture that a lot of people been posting.
"Um (y/n).." Jooheon said while lookingthe picture.
"Yes?" You said
What is this?" Jooheon said and show the picture of his iPad.
The picture was BamBam holding hands with you. And the caption says "BamBam  is dating someone... who is she?"
"Omg.. Jooheon I can explain" you said.
"Alright go ahead. I trust you" Jooheon said and he saying in petty voice.
"When I got hit in my face by a fan, BamBam saw me getting hit and being trapped by fans. BamBam saved me by holding my hand and drag me to the car so we can leave this mess" you explain to Jooheon what happened.
"Oh.. I see but this picture is everywhere" Jooheon said.
"Are you okay?" You asked.
"No I am not" Jooheon said
"I'm sorry.." You said
"No, this picture of BamBam and you don't fit at all. I should replace BamBam over me. I am the one should be in picture not BamBam" Jooheon said and smiled at you.
You started to giggle about Jooheon saying those words.
"What's so funny? Huh?" Jooheon said in his flirty way.
"Oh nothing.." You said and smiled at him
"No I am serious" Jooheon said "Hey I have to go now, but remember I will call you tonight alright"
"Aww.. Alright I see you tonight" you said.
" Don't worry, I have 2 days in Hawaii and I can't wait to see you" Jooheon said.
We see bye to each other and you went your social media and you saw what BamBam posted on his Twitter.
"The girl is holding hands with.. she is my friend not my girlfriend so can you please stop spreading rumors about it . The reason why I did it because my friend was trapped by fans and i saved her that's it."
You felt very happy that BamBam tell all the fans about the misunderstanding and you saw the comments that all the fans agreed and apologize about what happened.
You exit Jackson room and went the living  and you saw BamBam sitting down on the sofa with all the members. You sit down and all the members look at you.
"I wanted to say thank you for today, and BamBam thank you for saving me I really happy to help me back there" You said with a smile.
All the members smiled and Jackson stand up and say.
"Alright who wants to go to the private arcade today and let's have fun" Jackson asked with excitement.
"ME!!!!!" Youngjae and JB screamed.
"Alright then let's go then" Mark said
"Private arcade?.." You asked
"Yeah we have private arcade that we can play and have fun it just us" Mark said.
"Alright then let's go!" You said with a big smile.
"That is the spirit (y/n)!" Jackson said and put in arm around you.
We went to the car and go to the arcade. The arcade was very big and we got so excited about playing all the games.
Many members wanted to play with me but it hard to chose which one to play with. We all have fun and everything but it was getting late. We played in the arcade for couple hours I checked my phone to see what time it was and it was 7:20 pm.
"Wow it getting late, should we go now?" You said to Jackson
"Yeah sure, besides you have to talk to Jooheon tonight today" Jackson said and started to teased you.
"I hate you, you know that" you said in funny way. Jackson started to laugh and put his arm around you.
"Hey hey I am just joking, alright let's go" Jackson said
We all went to the car and drop me off in front of my apartment. I said thank you to rest of the members and they left. You got tired and went the house, you took a shower and put some comfortable pajamas and wait to Jooheon call but a message comes up. You checked and it was from the unknown and it says
"Jooheon is been cheating on you"
You got shocked but you didn't believe him so you texted back saying.
"Oh yeah?, then prove it"
You send it and wait and then the unknown send you a picture and you check the picture and it was Jooheon kissing a random girl. You got shocked and your heart drop, you didn't believe it.
"How you know that it's him?" You texted the unknown.
"He is in Hawaii right? Check Blue Sea hotel" the unknown texted you back (blue sea hotel, I don't know if is real or not. I made the name up).
You check Google and search the blue sea hotel and you saw images of the hotel and you saw the same background as the picture of Jooheon kissing a random girl. You got shocked and you about to cry and then Jooheon startedto call you in FaceTime and you have tears in your face and you answer it because you need answers about this.
"Hey..(y/n)? Wait, what's wrong?" Jooheon got excited to see you but he saw you crying and he got worried.
"Jooheon.. we need to talk" you said.
"Um sure, what's up?" Jooheon said.
"Jooheon....what..it this?" You said and show the picture of Jooheon kissing a random girl. Jooheon saw it and he got shocked and he try to talk but he has no words to say.
"(Y/n) let me explain.." Jooheon said.
"NO! DON'T EXPLAIN ME NOTHING!" You scream at him.
"Don't say nothing... I can't believe you. You kissed her and maybe you did something with her behind my back." You said and you got so angry at him.
"No no no never" Jooheon said and try to explain.
"Don't call me, Don't text me, Don't even see me at all. Goodbye" you said and hang up.
You started to cry and Jooheon try to call you again and you didn't want to answer so you turn off your phone and go dressed and go to the door. When you open the door you saw someone in front of the door and you got little scared.
"Oh... Jimin"

When I saw you (Jooheon X Reader~)Where stories live. Discover now