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When you open the door you saw Jimin in front of your door that he was about to knock. Jimin saw you crying and he got worried.
"Hey, are you okay? Jimin said
You really want to tell someone to let out of your feelings so you started to cry and hug Jimin.
"No..i am not okay" you said and hug Jimin very tight.
"Hey hey hey look at me" Jimin said and put his hands in your cheeks.
You give attention and looked at him
"I'm here now, you want to talk about it?" Jimin said and you nodded.
"Alright let's get in. It getting cold" Jimin said and got in the house.
You sit the sofa and he sit next to you and you explain him what happened and show the picture and Jimin said.
"Wow.. I don't know what to say"
"Its okay, you don't have say nothing really." You said and look down.
Jimin puts his warm hand in your left cheek and face him. He is giving you a huge eye contact and you saw Jimin was getting closer to face very close.
"Um Jimin it getting late right?" You said and Jimin broke eye contact
"Oh yeah" Jimin said and stand up.
"So why you came to see me this late night?" You asked Jimin
"Oh well i came to see you about what happened today with GOT7 fans" Jimin said.
"Oh I see, but don't worry I am fine" you said
"It getting late Jimin you should go" you said and push Jimin out of the door.
"Oh okay, can I see you tomorrow them?" Jimin said and getting pushed out the door
"Sure i guess" you said
"Hey meet me in the cafe shop tomorrow with the rest of the members" Jimin said.
"I don't know Jimin, I just need some space right now" you said.
"Yeah I feel you" Jimin said
You close the door and got undressed and change your pajamas and lay down in your room. You turn on your phone and I saw all the missing calls and messages from Jooheon, Jackson, and Bambam. You didn't want to see it at all but one message come up and it was from Jooheon saying
"I am in the airport right now, I am going back. I need to explain you what happened, please give me one change."
You read it and never reply at all you tried to sleep but Jooheon still in your head like crazy. You finally you went to sleep and you got a dream about Jooheon and all the memories you had with him.

In your dreams:

You woke up and you had all the tears in your face and your eyes were red. You heard knocking in your door and you stand up and walk to the door.
"Calm down I am coming" You said and walking to the door.
You open the door and it was Jimin holding 2 cups of hot chocolate and some some sweets. Jimin saw you with your red eyes and he got worried and got in your house and put all the stuff in the kitchen table and grab some napkins. Jimin walks towards you and grab your hand and make you to sit next to him in the sofa. Jimin take the napkin and wipe of all the tears I have in my face and he finish it and put his hands your cheeks and give you a hug and you got little shocked and you wanted to back off but Jimin was holding you so tight.
"Please stay like this for a minute please" Jimin said with his soft and low voice.
You stay there for a minute and you felt very sleepy and closed your eyes. Jimin saw you that you fall asleep on his chest and Jimin lay down and you were on top of him sleeping. So Jimin fall asleep too and you guys been sleeping for hours. You woke up and you saw you were on top of Jimin and you saw Jimin sleeping and you freak out.
"Omg Jimin" You said Stand up and fall in the floor and Jimin woke up and got scared.
"I'm sorry (y/n)." Jimin said and pick you up from the floor.
"Wow that was a good nap, I have no sleep like for days" Jimin said and stretch his back.
"Umm you mean we been sleeping for 7 hours.." You said and check the time
"Wow I guess a huge big nap, we like bears" Jimin said and started to laugh.
"Alright I should go now, I see you tomorrow" Jimin said and reach the door and open.
When Jimin open the door and you saw Jooheon in front to the door holding some flowers. Jooheon saw us and he got angry.
"Why he is your house?" Jooheon said with his angry voice.
"I should go now" Jimin said and walk away.
Jooheon let him Jimin walk away and you about to close the door but Jooheon grab the door and open it with full strength and get in.
"Are you serious?, really? I tell you to stay away from him" Jooheon said and grab your wrist.
You push him away from you
"Leave me alone, I told you to not see me ever again" You said
"But I have to explain you this misunderstand" Jooheon said and give you the flowers.
"No you don't have to at all" You said and throw the flowers at him.
"Please just leave and never see me again" You said and started to cry.
Jooheon only looked down and you saw his tears.
"Please just leave.." You said with your low voice.
"Fine..fine. I will stay away from you" Jooheon said and started to walk away to the door.
"I guess I don't deserve to have you at all" Jooheon said and exit the door.
You wanted to forgive him so bad but you still angry at him and let him walk away. You close the door and lay down on the door and cried so much and looked to the flowers and the memories came back in your head

You wanted to forgive him so bad but you want to be strong so you stand up and grab the flower. You went the kitchen and throw the flowers in the trash and you turn on the tv and you saw Jooheon rapping out of nowhere but you wanted to change it but you keep watch it because you saw Jooheon rapping with anger in Hawaii letting his feelings out

"Wow" you said like you didn't have no words.
But your phone started to ring and it was from Jimin
You answer it and you heard in the background all the screams.
"Hey (y/n), turn the tv and watch our performance in 5 minutes" Jimin said and hang up.
You got confused and change the channel and you saw this.

Your mouth was open all the time watching Jimin dancing and blindfolded.
"That was amazing" You said and you shocked about it.

I wanted to drink to let me feelings out
So I went to the bar and drink many shots and beer. I feel little dizzy and I saw Jackson calling me so I answer it
"Hey Jooheon" Jackson said
"HEYYYY JACKSONNNN!" I said but drunk.
"Are you drunk?" Jackson said
"N-O..NO" I said
"Okay, I am going to pick you up" Jackson said and hang up.
I went outside and saw Jackson car and picked me up. I was in Jackson car
"Oh youuuu knowww that I'm i-n the that barrrr.." I said and I can't even speak very well.
"Jooheon i know you, you tell me before that you love this bar to hang out with your members" Jackson said.
"Oh I see" i said.
"You know Jackson.."
"Yes?" Jackson said
"Me and (y/n) We had an huge argument and she doesn't want to see me again" I said and my tears started to fall
"I don't want Jimin steal her away from me like he did 6 years ago. Jackson...i really miss her" i said and looked in the window and I feel very sleepy.
Jackson saw me falling sleeping in the car so I heard Jackson saying while driving.
"I know you do Jooheon. Don't worry she will comeback just wait and see"

Hey guys sorry it little short story but it going to be good on the next chapter. I wanted to say that thank you all the people that been voting and reading my chapters. I give credit the owner who made this videos on YouTube I love it so much. I hope you enjoy and wait to the next chapter

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