I Like You But..

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"(Y/n) I like you.." Jooheon said with low voice and blushes
You were so shocked that you wanted to answer to Jooheon.
"Jooheon..I-" you about to say something but Jooheon covers your mouth.
"Shh. Don't answer it yet, answer it when you are ready to say it like make it special" Jooheon said while our lips are getting closer. Jooheon kiss your forehead and leaves. All the members they say goodbye and get in the cars and leaves, you enter your apartment and you sit down next to the door and you started to blush and scream.
"Omg Jooheon likes me... I can't even say it back I am very nervous.. uhh what should I do?." You said while laying down in the floor and you sat up and went to bed to try to rest but you can even sleep at all you have Jooheon in your head all night. So you tried to watch a movie in your living room and you feel sleepy and fall asleep in the sofa.
{In the Morning}
You woke up in the sofa and you stand up and stretch your back to go the kitchen to make something but your phone rang and you checked and it was Jooheon texting you.

Jh: Good morning beautiful!, can you please meet me on cafe shop right now I have something to tell you it important.

You read it and replied that you will be there in 5 minutes and you went to your room and you felt a headache and you started cough so you wear something comfortable so you don't want Jooheon get  or someone sick so you exit to your apartment and started to walk to the cafe shop it was cold and you keep coughing. You reach the cafe shop and enter you saw Jooheon sitting down waiting for you. Jooheon saw you stand up and go towards to give you a hug but you push him away from you.
"What's wrong?" Jooheon said in worried way.
"I got sick.. I don't want you so get sick" you said while coughing.
Jooheon pull you and give you a hug and kiss your cheek and whisper your ear.
"I don't care (y/n), if i get sick it my problem"
You blushed and started to looking at him, you didn't wanted to make weird so you said
"So what important thing that you going to tell me?" You asked Jooheon.
"Oh yeah" Jooheon said "Here sit down" Jooheon pull the chair for you so you can sit and Jooheon sit across from you.
"Alright I got some good news and bad news" Jooheon said "the good news is that me and IM will release our rap but the bad news is tomorrow I am going to Hawaii for vacation and interview for a week."
You got shocked that Jooheon is leaving but you were proud of him that Jooheon and IM there rap.
"Oh that good i hope you have a fun in Hawaii" you said with a smile.
"Well yeah but the bad thing is I will not there with you for a week" Jooheon said with the said face.
"Don't worry it would be a week it would pass by very fast" you said
"Well are you busy today?" Jooheon asked
"Um no, not really" you replied
"Well can we hang out today"
"Oh nevermind ... You sick" Jooheon said but he reliaze that you are sick. You didn't care you wanted to hang out with him in his last day.
"Oh it's okay I wanted to hang out with you" you said with big smile
"Alright let's go then!" Jooheon said  blushed and grab your hand to walk the exit
You went to the park holding hands, Jooheon was hiding his face because some fans might recognize him and Jooheon covers you so no one will notice us. You had fun with him with his crazy personality. You felt super cold and Jooheon saw you being cold outside. You guys sit on bench of the park.
"Stay here I will right be back!" Jooheon said while staying up.
"Where are you going?" You asked.
"Just stay here, I will back" Jooheon said while running.


I saw (y/n) being cold so wanted to surprise her with some hot chocolate. So I tell her to stay here I started to running to this close coffee shop that is near to the park. I enter the coffee shop and saw Jimin ordering in the line. Gosh!!! I have a bad feeling about this...
Jimin saw me and give this death stare and come closer to me.
"Oh Jooheon it a surprise to be here" Jimin said.
"Yeah whatever.." I replied like I didn't even care.
"So what are you doing here?" Jimin asked.
"Not your business." I replied with a little anger and order and got the 2 hot chocolate in hands and started to walk away
"You see Jooheon" Jimin said and you turn around to him. "Watch out... (Y/n) will be mine and you see me with her arms."
When Jimin said that I felt so angry that I wanted to punch his face but I hold my anger because I don't want (y/n) be waiting. I walked the coffee shop and started to speed walk and reach the park. When I saw (y/n) sitting down waiting for me I felt so much love, my heart is beating so fast. I really want to be with her.
I was freezing in the bench and I saw Jooheon speed walking with 2 cups on his hands and sit down next to me and give me a hot chocolate.
"Awe Jooheon thank you!" You said with a smile.
"Oh if nothing, I don't want my girl to be cold. Stay warm!" Jooheon said.
"Alright let's go , I have things to do for now" Jooheon said while looking at the time.
Jooheon grab your hand and started to walk and drinking the hot chocolate. Jooheon walked to your apartment and go to the door.
"Well I see you in a week" Jooheon said.
"I hope you have fun" you said.
"Please call or text me, promise?" Jooheon said while holding your hand.
"Promise!" You promised to Jooheon with your pinky promise.
"Alright well goodbye!" Jooheon said and started to walk away from your apartment.
You felt this is the right to say it. Your body wants to say it and now.
"Wait Jooheon!" You said while running towards him.
You give him a big hug and whisper his ear.
"I...I.. Like You Jooheon" you said with a shy voice.
Jooheon got very excited and give a big hug and smiled at you.
"Alright  you should go now" you said to Jooheonwhile smiling at him.
"Okay!" Jooheon said and you saw him walking away with a big smile of happiness. You never saw Jooheon this happy in his life.
You smiled and enter your house
You took a hot bath and just relax for couple minutes and started to think.
"I'm ready for relationship with Jooheon?"
"They will accept it?" "It against the rules for an idol?"  You said while playing with the water. You had some any questions in your head you felt hungry so you get up off the water and get dressed. You went to the kitchen and make some food you about to start but someone knock the door.  You reach the door and open it and it was Jack.(he is your friend at work)
"Oh Jack" you said in surprised way.
"Hey (y/n)" Jack said

Hey Jack, please come in" you said and let jack come in because it was cold outside.
"Where were you?, you didn't go to work like weeks." Jack said sounded very worried about you.
"I'm sorry..." You apologize to Jack
"Our boss wants you back. She felt very sorry what she done to you. She said that you been a hard working person it just that she been stress and angry those days" Jack said while sitting down in the sofa.
"I don't know if I should go back.." You said to Jack and sit down in the sofa.
"You should!, I really miss you as my partner" Jack said.
"Umm let me think about it and I will let you know" you said
"Alright, I have to go to do groceries" Jacksaid while standing up of the sofa and put his coat.
"Oh okay, I will let you know. Please don't get a cold" you said while helping Jackto put his coat.
You say bye to each other and close the door and walk to the kitchen and then the phone started to ring. It was Jooheon FaceTime call and you answer it.
"Hey Jooheon!" You said with a smile
"Hey (y/n)!" Jooheon said and the background it that the airport.
"Oh so you are in the airport?" You said realize that the background.
"Oh yeah, I am... uhh i really miss you already" Jooheon said and making a sad face.
"Awe me too" you said making a little laugh because Jooheon said face it was cute.
"Oh crap.. I have to go now and then when I am back I will call you!" Jooheon said.
You say goodbye to him and put down your phone and started to cook. You finished cooking and then your phone ring again you went to your phone and it was from messages.
Be careful... Jooheon is not the right person"
"He is a cheater"
It was a an unknown person texted to you and you got a little shocked about this. You tried to call this unknown and it never answers and an other text from unknown
" Just be careful... (y/n)."
"I'm watching you.
You got shocked that the unknown knows your name..
"How he/she knows my name..."

When I saw you (Jooheon X Reader~)Where stories live. Discover now