•Echos of the past•

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The cold breeze of the shore blew right through Rebecca's light sweater. She tilted her head to one side, closing her wet weighted lashes to keep the sand from getting into her red eyes. The dampness of the sand was making its way though her skinny jeans as she sat down, quietly staring at the water while her friend Davina sat next to her. Rebecca hugged her knees close.

Her hair fell loose on her face, tousled, tangled. Under the bright moon it appeared black, the brown streaks lost to the night. She could hear the waves lapping like the ticking of a more leisurely clock, but never telling her the time, never demanding that she moves on.

Rebecca could tell from the looks that Davina was giving her, that she was going to say something she did not want to hear, but needed to. So, she stood and walked over the cool black sand, to the inky water, letting it kiss her toes through her socks. The frigid brine quickly wicked up into the wool and soon her feet were quite icy. But she didn't care. Because at that moment, her heart was as cold as her body was.

Davina watched her friend in sorrow. No friend would ever want to see one of their loved ones broken, heart in pieces. It just broke her heart too. Davina knew that Rebecca did not want to hear what she had to say, but she wasn't going to sit around and watch her friend drown in her own tears. So, she got up and walked up to her.

Rebecca felt Davina's hand on her shoulder, squeezing it softly, letting her that she got her back. She looked over her shoulder, ans smiled a pained smile.

"- Just say it." You could tell from her voice that she was hurt. Her voice was shaky, and muffled from all the crying. "- Tell me you told me so. You told me that it was going to happen sooner or later. That he was going to break my fragil heart eventually."

"- I'm not going to say that." Davina beamed. Everything Rebecca just said is exactly what her friend thought.But she doesn't need to hear that now.

"- It hurts Dav. It hurts so damn much. It hurst to know that he left me. But you know what hurts more ? It's the fact that I'd take him back in a heartbeat if he asked me to. And that's the problem. It's what's keeping me from moving on."

"-Rebecca-" Davina tried to ease her friend's pain, she wanted to. She just didn't know how.

"- No Davina !" Rebecca screamed, and her hurt voice echoed trough the wind of the dark night. "- It's been months. He's already fine, and happy. Look at me ! I'm pathetic. Crying over someone that doesn't want me. Someone who left me. Someone who let me go."

"- Love doesn't make you pathetic darling. It makes you human."

"- The funny thing is; no matter how many guys I go out with; no matter how perfect they are, I still look for him in them. And I don't seem to find him in anyone." The tears she was holding for too long, finally found their way out, and trailed down her soft cheeks.

"-That's because you never will."
Davina let out a loud, deep sigh, before pulling her friend to her, hugging her tight. "- You spent a whole summer trying to find someone like him. And the truth is you never will. You can't waste your whole life looking for him. Because trust me, you might get close. Maybe you'll find a blue eyed, hazel hearted boy, who will laugh into your neck, but darling it won't be the same, not even close.

His hands will never fit the same way. His fingers won't curl your hair the right way. It'll be too loose, or too tight. It would be wrong. He won't be good enough. And you and I both know that it'll be selfish for you to expect and ask for more. But what you can find, is something different. Something new. Something refreshing. And if you just let yourself, I think you might actually fall in love again. You'll fall for someone with chestnut eyes, and a wild heart. Someone who'll wrap his arms around your waist unstead of your shoulder, someone who will kiss you forhead unstead of your cheek.

Life is short, and francly you'll never find what you're looking for, and you'll never get what you want. So unstead of grieving and crying your eyes out, go out there and be spontinious, let people in, even if you get your heart broken again. Go find your true match unstead of spending your days looking for a ghost."

Rebecca smiled a geniuen smile, which took Davina aback. "- who knew you could be so wise ?" she said with a soft chuckle. Her voice was still muffled, but Davina was just happy that Sage smiled trully for the first time this summer. Rebecca threw her arms around her friend, and hugged her as tight as she could.

"- Thank you Davina." was all she said, before they became as silent as the cold night.


Here's the first chapter! I hope you like it. The trailer to the side is by the amazing Lisa_JM28, she rocks ! 

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