•Flin Rider•

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"- He's a jerk !"

"- A hot jerk If I do say so myself !"

"- Don't talk like that ! You sound so posh. You sound like him." Said Rebekah with a disgust expretion on her face. Ever since that day he drowned her, she's been hating on him, and anything related to him.

"-You know you like it 'love'." Her friend teased empathizing the word 'love', and speaking a british way.

"- Stop that !"

"- Okay okay my darling !" The readhead teased again, making Rebekah wrinkel her nose in pure disgust again.

"- I need to get to Chemestry class early or else that witch Kitch is going to give me detention."

"- You really have to stop calling your teacher that !" Davina chuckled at her friend. She interwined thier arms together, and started walking Rebekah to class. That gesture usually meant that Davina was in the mood for gossip, but it also meant that she wanted something.

"- Did I ever tell you that you are an amazing friend Rebecca ?" Davina stated, if Rebecca didn't know Davina enough she'd think that the readhead was just complementing her. But she knew better. She was way too familiar with that look.

"- Cut to the chace Dav' !"

"- You do know me well ! So you realise that it's our senior year. We need to make the best of it. You've been off the radar for like_ well since the break up. And I am starting to think that it's time for you to let go of Noel. You are a pretty girl, and I'm sure a lot of boys would want to be with you."

"- I have a feeling this isnt about me, nor Noel."

"- You are right, it's not. A double date !" She didn't need to beg anymore, because her facial expressions were doing it for her already. Her eyes looked like Puss in boots' ones, and her lips were curled up in a sad smile. She kept playing with her strawberry blonde curls, and Rebekah knew there was no getting away from this.

She sigh, letting out a deep breath and groaning. "- Okay, I'll do it !"

Davina jumped in excitment, and gave her friend one of her bones crushing hugs, the flawless smile never leaving her face.

"- You are the.best.friend.ever !"

"-Indeed I am."


The bell rang, signiling that last period was over, and Rebecca couldn't be more thanful for that. She could use a long bubble bath, and a good book. Tired would be an understatemnt of how she felt. She was exhausted, she felt like she could dig a whole and crawl into it.

She made her way to the parking lot, and it was almost empty, only few cars here and there. She started walking to Davina's car, her eyes on her boots. She was making plans on how she will make love to her sheets.

She felt a strong frame stop her, stinging her nose with pain. She felt muscles against her chest, and she pushed away from them, pulling her head back, and holding her already injured nose in her hand, as if to examin it.

"- Hello Flin Rider." He devileshly smiled, and it only gained him a glare from her. She still wasn't over the little beach incedent. And from the look in her eyes, he knew that she wasn't.

"- Asshole." was all she said before pushing past him, and opening Davina's car.

"- I'm sorry okay ?"

"- Think things through before you act next time."

"- I know how it feels to lose someone."

"- No you don't. All you know it how to swap V-cards, and break hearts !" She got in the car, and slammed the door "- Drive !" She commended, and her friend silently obeyed.

"- What was that about ?" Davina looked puzzeled. Rebekah wanted to wave her off and tell her later maybe, but she knew that her best friend would keep nagging her about it. So she chose the easy way, and told her all about the beach day.

"- So he drowned you." Davina stated as if trying to let the information sink in. Rebekah, nodded irritated just by the memory of that night. "- But he then saved you. He pulled you out."

"- Yes."

"- Where you unconscious ?"

"- No !"

"- You shoul've faked it !"

"- Why would I do such thing ?"

"- So he would give you CPR !" Said the readhead in a dreamy gesture. Her friend just shrugged her shoulder, and groaned. She didn't beileve that even in situations like this, Davina would still be blinded by Isaac's bad boy charm, and mysterious behaviour.

"- First of all: Ew ! And second, I was in a relationship with his best friend, and third how could you still daydream about him when he tried to kill me ? I thought you were my best friend, you're supposed to be on my side !"

"- I am on your side !" Rebekah could sense that there will be a "but" soon. "- But all Im saying is that you should have fun !"

"- How's getting a CPR from that jerk fun ?" Rebekah asked, completely disgust.

"- You are weird !"

"- You know you love it !"

The rest of the car ride consisted on singing along to songs and screaming random fandom jokes. Before they knew, they were pulling up in front of the Anderson's residence. Rebekah wrinkled her face when she saw her mom's car in the driveway. Mr.Anderson shouldn't be back untill late at night. She always worked late, and only got home when her daughter was already asleep.

If there was one word that can describe her family perfectly it would be: Dysfunctional.

She looked over her friend, and saw that she was already looking at her with sympathy. Davina knew oh-too-well how it went each time the two would start a conversation. It would end as a disaster.

"- Don't forget about our date this week-end. And try not to fight with her darling." Davina, said, pocking her head out of the car's window.

Rebekah watched as her friend's car drove away, leaving her standing there, outside her own house, and refusing to get inside of it. She just wished she would avoid her mother, and go straight to her room. And for a second, she really considered climbing through the window.

But she knew that sooner or later, there would be a day where the two will get stuck in each others' ways.

"- Careful !" She heard someone yell, and shrieked out of the way, as a ball, a football passed her by.

Not again ! Thought the brunette to herself. It was enough ruining her nose, she did not need another bruise.

"- You are getting better at dodging balls." Noel chuckled, as he made his way across the street to the Anderson's mantion.

"- I've had my bad days. And I did get a head's up this time." she joked, and knelt down, to grab the ball that almost caused her pain. Again.

" You did indeed !" He exclaimed, the amusement abvious in his tone.

"- I didn't know you were out of the hospital."

"- Yeah, I only got out yesterday. I didn't really like the thick air of the hospital."

"- Who would ?" She agreed with him. Hospitals were always scaring her. She hated them. And maybe because it reminds her of that night. They screamed death from miles away, and the air surrounding them just made it hard for her to breath. "- Thanks for what you did Noel."

"- Anyone could've done the same. I was just at the right place, and the right time."

"- I appreciate it either ways."

"- See you around Anderson."


Don't you just loove jerks ? I know I do lol! I'm happy about this chapter, and I hope you liked it ! Have a nice day.

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