•Game [of hearts]•

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The school hallway was crowded with students, all getting ready for class, some grabbing the books they need for the next period, and some other chatting with friends and catching up. Rebaccah shuts her locker and leans on it, watching the kids. By the locker in front of her were a few guys from the team, going on and on about the previous game, and their preparation for the next. They always win. Maybe that's why they talk about games and practice none-stop, maybe they're so proud of their accomplishement. She wasn't really into football -or sports at all-  but she often attended the games. She liked to believe that she went because she enjoyed the atmosphere that the games braught, the cheers and the screams, the chatters,  the whispers, the happy faces,  and the after party. 

But the truth is she went there for one reason only. 

Noel Campbell. 

She liked to sit in the front row, wearing his jersey. It smelled like him. She liked the look he gave her each time he scorred, like he was doing it for her, like he was making her proud. Like it was all for her. It made her feel special. 

Shaking those thoughts away, she comes back to reality. She hugs the books she's holding closer to her chest as she sees Noel approaching. I guess it was to make sure her heart won't escape it's cage.

"- Hey Rebecca." How is it that his voice sounds like music to her ears? She doesn't know. All she knows is whenever she hears it, the whole world shuts down, and all she focuses on his that music coming out from between his lips. 

"-Hey you!" She cursed herself for sounding too excited. She hated this. She hated what they became. Should she acts like her usual self? Should she act indefferent? Should she just mirror whatever expression he has on his face? This is the worst part of a break-up. It's when you don't know what's inside the other person's head. Are you friends? Or are you soon going to fade to strangers ? It is okay to tell the other that you miss them, or would they think you are hung up on them?

"- Will you be attending the game this week-end?" The game.  Her hearts skipped a beat. Leave it to Noel to bring up a thought you were just fighting to push to the back of your head. 

"-I wouldn't miss it for the world." She finished her answer with a tiny smile. And it seemed to be contagious because he parted his lips in a similar smile. It wasn't one of those heartwarming smiles, but it was small, almost not there; like they were both debating weither to let it out, or to keep it in, as if they did he'd give her false hope, and if she did he'd think she still loved him. Oh but she still did.

After what felt like five minutes staring into each others eyes, he scratches the back of his neck, and speaks. "- Will you wear my jersey then?" He stops for a second, to think it through. But It's too late now, the words are out. "- It's just weird giving it to someone else this soon." He explains. The fact that he thinks it's too soon warms her heart, but also haunts her thoughts. How is it too soon when it's been months? Does that mean there is hope for them and he hasn't completely moved on? She didn't know, but she nodded anyway. 

"- Sure." She looks down at her watch. "Gotta get to class. We'll talk later." He stares at her as she walks away. It was beautiful how she moved. For a few seconds he just stood there, watching her fade away, before walking away and getting to class as well. 


This spesific period is Rebacca's least favourite not because it's math, but beacause Isaac happens to be in the same class. It was annoying how many times they bumped into each other after the 'bleeding' inccident. She was starting to wonder if it was just random, or if it was intentional. Was he out to get her? He always enjoyed annoying her, and throwing smart and witty remarks her way. 

There was his evil smirk. He never smiled, only smirked and Rebacca found that dangerous. Holding his hand up, he waved at her. God help me. She mumbled to herself. She faked a smile. Tapping the seat nect to him, he spoke. "-Saved you a seat friend." Unfortunatly, it was -in fact- the only seat left. She took a deep breath, and walked over to the seat, and settled down. 

"-So, how are you?" Why do you ask? She wanted to say. But she wasn't in the mood to be aggressive, or to tolerate another word from his mouth, so she went with an answer that won't allow him to add anything else. 

"- Not bleeding." She said without looking at him. If she did she might strangle him, or punch him in that sharp perfect jawline. He irritates her to no limit. But she always found it normal. The girlfriend and the bestfriend tend to have these kind of relationships. 

Ex-girlfriend now.

He put his hand on his hearts, as if she hurt his feelings. His face immediatly tuned into a serious expression. "- I mean it! Noel told me you had a panic attack the other day." 

That's surprising. 

Isaac Collins is being thoughtful? 

"- I'm fine." Rebecca doesn't take her eyes off of him for a while. She just stares into his eyes for a moment. So blue, like the ocean, so paceful. They were a light shade, and Rebecca found herself fascinated by them. For a second she thought Isaac might be an angel. It's funny how staring into one's eyes can help you discover s much about them. "- You're pretty cool when you're not being a-" Before she finishes her sentence, his eyes turn into a darker shade, and he cuts her off. 

"- I'm glad you're okay.I'm just upset I wasn't the one to cause the panic attack." Isaac's lips lift into a dangerous smirk, and she just finds herself angry. Angry at herself for thinking that for a second Isaac might actually care about her well-being.

Jerk. She finished her earlier sentence.

"- Mr.Collins, Miss Anderson, if you're done chatting, maybe you'd like to come over to the board and solve these two math problemes?" They both stare at the teacher in complete surprise, and frustration. 

 Both groaning, they walk over towards the front of the class, heads down, and greeted teeth. These two shouldn't get together, because when they do, disaters follow.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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