•Enjoy the night•

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It was a calm and peaceful night, hadn't the Smiths decided to throw a party. The entire neighborhood was flooded with blasting music, and people were everywhere. The elders were having a hard time this night. But having to put up with the loud music, and the reckless youth was a habit to them now. Each year, Carter Smith threw a "going-back-to-school" party. It was one of those wild parties, where teenagers had no boundaries, and didn't submit to the law. A bunch of people were outside the Smith's house, holding beers or smoking cigarettes, while some couples were sitting on the grass making out under the star-dotted sky. Rebekah wrinkled her nose, disgusted by the hormonal people. She underestimated the number of hormones flying in the air.

The driveway was filled with empty cans, and red cups, and it wasn't at all a beautiful scene. Rebekah let herself in, following her best friend's lead. They struggled to find their way between the sea of teenagers who pushed them around, some drunk, some too caught up in the heat of the blasting music.

She looked around horrified as her eyes embraced the scenery, she could feel the bass in her chest, and the loud beating in her ears. The poor young girl, swallowed, gasping for air, but the thick atmosphere was suffocating her, making it hard for her to breath.

"- I knew this was a bad idea." She mumbled to herself, as she tried to keep up with her friend's pace.

"-Come on!" Her dear friend Davina shouted over the music. "Loosen up. It's going to be fun !"

Fun, she said. Rebakeh shook her head. She wasn't a fan of being around a lot of people, nor was she a fan of parties. Especially Carter's parties. She's been to a lot of his parties when she was still dating Noel. He was known for being wild and out of control. These kind of nights lead to serious trouble. She knew that she shouldn't have let Davina persuade her into coming here. She knew better than to fall for her friend's manipulations. But even she knew that a good party will take her mind off of her ex-boyfriend.

The crowd moved like a multi-headed beast that shared only one brain. The poisonous smell of alcohol and cigarettes hit her like a train. She stumbled around, trying to find her way through all the sweaty dancers. She got a glimpse of a couple in the middle of the dance floor, that was giving the audience a pleasant episode of "How to awfully make out in public".

Trust me it was nothing but pleasant.

"-Let's dance!" Davina roared louder, taking Rebakah's wrist, and dragging her to the dance floor.

"-It's really crowded in here."

"-What ?" Davina yelled unable to hear her friend,

"- I think I'm going to get a drink." She was feeling thirsty all of a sudden. Davina, just nodded, and threw her hands in the air, dancing like there's no tomorrow. Rebekah just smiled at the sight of the redhead in front of her, and started making her way to the kitchen. She wished she could be so careless, and spontaneous like Davina. It's true they were best friends, but they were nothing alike.

Davina was reckless, and Rebekah was wise, thinking everything through. And while Davina, was one to party all night, and sleep around, Rebekah spent her nights doing homework, and reading books. They were the complete opposite and that was the beauty of their friendship. She finally sighed in relief when she saw tha the kitchen was empty. She reached for a bottle of water and took a long gulp.

"-Well someone's really thirsty !" A husky voice said from behind, making her drop the bottle from her hand. She looked down at her _now_ wet dress and sighed in frustration. Running her hands over the soft fabric trying to clean up her dress, she chose to ignore whoever made her ruin her beautiful outfit.

"- Clumsy, aren't we?" The same voice echoed in her ear, only this time, it was closer, lower and right behind her. The playfulness and mischief was clear in his tone.

She turned around and indeed he was close. Too close for her liking. She raised her chin up, ready to judge the boy invading her personal space.

She looked at him

She blinked.

She looked away.

She blinked again.

She finally held eye contact with the man standing few inches away from her. It was none other than the mighty Noel Campbell.

Her ex-boyfriend.

She haven't talked to him since the break up, a few months ago. And she wished o never see him again, for that would bring back her 'never-lost-feelings'. No one would blame her for not moving on. She was crushing on Noel since the day she landed eyes on him. It was way long, when she, and her parents moved to the town. He was the sexy boy next door. It was really sad how he moved on so fast from her, when she was still head over heels for him. It pained her to know that she loved someone who completely forgot about her.

He was bad news. He was a hurricane, and she was like the morning's light breeze. He was cold to the core, and she was full of love, and warmth.

Her mouth was almost too dry to speak. She nodded like an idiot and then croak out "Yeah"

"- Why's a pretty girl like you alone at a partylike this ?" His eyes darted on her body, checking her up and down, as he took a step closer. His once smile turned into a smirk as her cheeks turned into a light shade of pink. It took all the power in her to stop herself from telling him that it was because her dumbass of a boyfriend left her.

Even a blind man could see that she was lost, anxious. "- Well, don't worry.." He brushed her shoulder with his cold hands "-I'm sure I can keep you company."He sensually liked his lips. She shyly glanced at him. The blue baby eyes she was used too, were long gone, as they were now burning with lust and desire.

He was confusing her. He left her for a bunch of groupies, and now he was flirting with her ?

She took a deep breath, inhaling his scent. He smelled like danger and alcohol. His lips were so pink, she couldn't help but stare at them. She missed being this close to him, and the thought of them being only inches away made her nervous.

"- I missed you, you know ?" He spoke against her neck, giving her chills.

"-Hey pal, we are starting a pool game! You coming?" Isaac, Noel's wingman, called from the door. "- Oh Hi there Rebecca !" he greeted her before leaving the kitchen.

Smiling charmingly, Noel mumbled"-Enjoy the night beautiful".


There goes the second chapter ! I've got great plans for this story and I really hope you stick around till the end ! Dont forget to vote and comment beautiful people! Hugs and kisses

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