•Flames of the after party•

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"- Call the firefighters !" Rebekah did as told while Isaac rushed and try and get everybody out before anyone got hurt. Isaac cut the music. " Get out!" His voice broke the silence. For few seconds, every student of Haven high stared at him like he was crazy before they noticed what was the reason behind his sudden outbrust.

There it was.

High pitched screams filled the mansion, as fear creppt inside every girl's heart, the boys rushed to the front door while holding their girlfriends, drunk people struggled to process the situation. Everything happened so fast, everyone was moving too quickly, but for some reason, Rebekah just stood there, numb and paralyzed. As fast as a lightenin strike, the hungry flames consumed the royal golden curtains like an insatiable monster. And for a split second, everything seemed to slow down: She watched in horror as Noel pushed a girl out of the house before coming back again only to help a petite blond to get out.

Her gaze darted to Andrea, she was in her Math class, she was having one of those panic attacks, high heels in her hands, she was shoutting for her date. A coat of grey smoke covered the place, and it got harder for her to see around her, her heart started hammering against her chest, threatening to escape its place. A wave of terror filled the burning room when the thunderous sound of shattering glass was heared, the windows were now exploding.

"- Rebecca!" Isaac's arms were shaking her weak body aggressively. " We need to get you out of here, you ca-"

"- I can't, I, Davina, Davina's still here, she was, she went to the kitchen, I gotta find her!" Her voice was shaking, and her mind was racing in anticipation. She felt her breath quicken with each passing second, her vision became blurry and the pounding in her head suddenly got louder. She was panicking. Again. Before she opened her mouth to cry out again, her eyes widened as she felt something against her mouth, preventing her from the air. Isaac's hand was covering her mouth.

"- Now's not the time for a bloody panick attack, Anderson ! I need you to run o-"

"- Get her out of here! I'll get Davina! Just leave the house" Before Isaac could protest, Noel covered his mouth with his arm and disappeared in the thick acrid smoke.

Rebekah saw the horrified looks on everyone's face as she collapsed on the fresh grass, crashing a breathtaking rose in the procecss. She looked up to find Isaac bent on his knees, gasping for air. His piercing blue eyes were now redshot, his white and blue baseball shirt was now a dark shade of grey, and his chesnut brown hair was a complete mess. Absentmindedly, she ran her trembling hand through her hair taming it. She hated wild parties and crowded places since she was a pre-teen, but after witnessing the cruelty of this night, she finally had a good reason.

Isaac watched as firefighters rushed to stop the fire. The heat was oppressive even from far away. A plume of fire exploded into the blackness, the flame rolling outwards like the smoke of a mushroom cloud.

The firefighters made sure that everyone was away from the house, as the paramedics examied the party people.

Everyone was in chock.

And the whole neightnour hood was in a state of true riot and cheos.

"-Somebody help !" Rebecca turned her head only to see Davina crying, as she violently shook Noel. Her body didn't know how to react. It just seemed to shut down completly. Her face went pale as the moon, colors draining from it, her mouth went agape. She froze, hardly breathing. Shock began to melt away, and everything returned slowly, as Noel was rushed to the hospital.

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