•The lucky ones•

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Rebecca crossed the street, over to the school's building, holding her plane leather bag. She was going to help the homecoming comittee with the preparations, as one of her classmates whose on the board asked her for help, and being such a selfless person as herself, Rebekah was more than glad to volunteer.

The school was much calmer during a saturday, now that the entire building was empty, and all students were gone. The sun was beaming from upone her head, but the weather was a bit gloomy. September was still a warm month, but the fall was soon to be here, and the cold, and cloudy weather was pointing it's nose.

As she walked throught the halls of the school, her heart was beating so fast, it threatened to escape its place. She wasn't used to this silence, nor was she familiar with the calmness, quiet. She was used to Davina's rondom jokes, and mysterious stories about her adventures.

She pushed the doors to the gym, and she spotted few kids, planting decorations here and there. She let herself in, scanning the room. This year's color was blue and silver. She smiled at the choice the comitte made, seing that blue was actually her favourite color.

"- Rebecca !" She heard a squeacky voice, and she immidietly turned around to find a very excited Caroline. "- I didn't think you'd come !"

"- But I promissed you that I would, how can I bail on you when you need help the most ?" Rebecca shook her head, as if dismissing what her camarade just said, the soft smile never leaving her face.

"- Thank, I really do need help !" She pointed at the few flags, and silver flowers they hang up. "- Would you mind hanging the rest of the flags dear ?" Carol kindly asked. Rebekah shook her head, and smiled at her.

"- I will start with them right away !"

"- You are a life saver ! Most of the volunters are afraid of hights !" She wrinkeled her nose, as if to ask "why be afraid of hights ?", Rebecca just chuckled and moved over to where the box of flags sat.

She plugged her iPhone, and tugged her earphone, then climbed up a ladder, and started working on the flags she was asked to hang.


Rebecca got lost in the decoration preparations, and forgot how time passed away fast. She didn't realise what time is it, until she felt a the ladder shaking. She looked down, horrified, only to meet a pair of icy blue eyes. Her intire body seemed to melt down, and her heart started racing it threatned to escape its place. She snatched the headphones violently from her ears, and gazed at the guy down there with questioning looks, as if to ask him why did he almost kill her, by giving her a heart attack.

"- Sorry I scared you ! It's lunch time, Carol asked me let you know ! And that was the only way I could do it !" He pointed at the ladder, and gave her an apological look.

"- Be right down !"

The parking lot wasn't crowded seeing it wasn't a school day, and all students were away for the week end. Rebekah watched as Noel walked over to his black Chevy Impala, as everybody got in their cars and headed to different places for lunch.

"- Want a ride to the dinner ?" Noel offred knowing Rebecca doesn't drive. They shared their pasts and with that came sharing their secrets and darkest fears.

"- I'll just ask Carol to give me a ride.I don't want to bother." She flashed him a sweet smile, hoping he won't insiste. Only god knows how awkward it would be to be with him the whole ride.

"-Don't be absured. Plus Carol is already gone." He opened the door to the driver's seat and let himself in, before shouting a quick "Get in".

She did as told, he started the car's engine making the car roar with life before speeding out of the school's parking lot. Noel turned on the radio, and they both found themhimself humming the lyrics to Into the jungle. The ride consisted of that only. He kept his eyes on the road, and she made sure to keep herself busy with her fingers, or something outside the window. It was awkward, and trying to actually have a conversation would only take it to a whole new level of awkwardness.

He stoped the car Carl's Burgeres, and it's only then one dared to look at the other. They stayed in that position for a while, before Rebecca thought that it'd be great if she broke the silence.

"- Shall we ?" He just smiled in response and got out of the car. She followed him, and they both made their way into the dinner. They settled at a booth near the window, and waited for a waiter to take their orders.

A blonde waiter soon made her way to their table, he flushed Noel a smile that he didn't see, because he was too consentrated on the menu, and then turned to Rebecca and glared at her, before kindly announcing that he will be their waiter for the day.

Noel looked up, only to have his eyes widen, and his face to drain from colors. "- Jason ! I didn't know you worked morning shifts ?"

"- I'm covering for a friend !" He nicely smiled at him, and grabbed his pen . Rebecca smiled at Jason as well, before Noel intruduced them to each other.

"-Jason, this is Rebecca." Jason's eyes widened, and he looked at Noel, before turning to her.

"-So this is the famous ex-girlfriend. Too bad we didn't meet while you guys were together. I heard a lot about you.

"-I hope only the good stuff!" She genually said.

While Jason and Rebecca were having a nice conversation, Noel was awkwardly looking at him, a feeling of uneasiness creeping inside of him, his nervousness become clearer by each passing minute.

Soon, the lovely waiter made his way back to the kitchen, and Noel seemed to have relaxed a bit.

"- Sorry about that " Noel said, his eyes darting to the kitchen's door. Why was he so uncomfortable?

"-Oh It's alrigt! He's lovely! Why haven't I met him before ?" He just chook his head, and played with his fingers.

"- Anyway,what's a boy like you doing with the Homecoming comittee ?"

"- The principal thought that it would be a nice punishement for showing up late everyday."

"- Oh poor you !" She teased, before taking a -big- bite from her burger. She mentally cursed herself for being such an oger, but she and Noel were over that; they've been together, long enough to accepte each other as they are.-. She heard him chuckle, and held her head high.

"- What's funny ?" It came out muffled, mainly because her mouth was still full.

"- You've got something on your face !" He simply said. And she mumbled something under her breath. Something he didn't quit hear.

"- Where ?"

"-Wait let me get it for you " He said, and before she could react, he leaned over, and removed the ketchup that was on her face with his finger, before shoving it in his mouth, and licking what remained on his hand.

And in that moment, she knew she is never getting over the mighty Noel Campbell.

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