•Here comes trouble•

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Haven High has never been more peaceful. It was so calm and serene, and the youth was never more beautiful. But if you looked closely, you'd see that it was a vicious place; full of rotten secrets, hatred, betrayal, disappointments, and broken hearts. It was where girls used the brightness of their eyes to cover their pain, and the softness of their skin to get what they want. It was a place for boys to act cold to hide their scars.

Haven High school is where manipulation, riot, and mischief swallowed innocence like a shot of Vodka.

Rebecca was surprised that the first day of senior year has passed without anyy chaos. Usually there would be drama, pranks,

"-Wanna head over to Sandy's ?" Rebekah nodded in agreement, while her lips twitched up in a ghost smile. Sandy's was their favorite ice cream shop. The two friends always spent the rest of the school day there, ever since they met there a year ago when Rebekah first moved into town. It was their escape from the world. Sandy's knew all their secrets, and that's what made it special to them.

"- Take it back you asshole!" Someone shouted from the parking lot. The two girls rushed out to see what was happening, only to find that the parking lot was crowded with people, some holding phones, and recording whatever was happening, while the rest whispered. They struggled to get through the throngs of students.

When Rebekah's eyes landed on Noel, her heart skipped a beat. He was hovering above a blond guy. It was Wren, she recognized him from last year, he used to have a crush on her best friend. Wren struggled to get out of the grip. But Noel, was not done wrecking his face. He pushed himself at the boy like a raging wolf, making more damage to his body.

"-Enough." The steadiness and confidence in a man's voice both scared and relieved the crowd. Noel didn't need to look up to see who it was. He knew that voice better than anything. Leaning in, he spat something in the poor guy's ears. No one could tell what he said, but everyone presumed it was something dreadful because the boy's face was frained from blood and his eyes reflected fear. Smirking obnoxiously, Noel Clark pulled away.

If Noel was a raging sea of fury waves, Isaac Collins -his friend- was a soldier's steady step, a whisper in the dark, a cemetery in the night. He wasn't known for his dangerous charm or his bad boy attitude. Unlike Noel, he was calm, mysterious, and away from the spotlight. But he was a force to be reckoned with.

Grabbing a metal bar by the trash can, Isaac kept his head down, not making any kind of eye contact. Everyone watched in anticipation and fear as he strolled towards Wren's car. He raised the metal bar high in the air and as hard as it smashed the windshield of the vehicle, some girls let out a loud gasp before covering their mouth, some covered their eyes, while the rest looked at Isaac with of a mix fear and admiration. The loud thud of the metal bar against the floor was a call to reality.

"- You're messing with the wrong crowd"

That was the only thing Isaac Collins said before he and Noel drove away, leaving the parking lot in dust.


"- I didn't think I'd see you here today, it's your first day at school, you must be tired !" Nat exclaimed, giving each of the girls a hug, as they sat in one of the booths at Sandy's.

"- Nothing Ice cream cannot fix !" Davina grinned.

"-Right !" Nat clapped her hands together, before reaching for the pocket-book. "Can I take your order then ?"

"- Just get us the usual. Thanks !" Nat walked away, and Davina turned around to face her friend.

"-What's the grumpiness for ?" Rebekah didn't say a word, she just shrugged her shoulder and looked out the big glass window.

The sun beamed down from the sky, shining through the branches of the trees in the providing a layer of affection. Rebekah admired how the kids ran around, holding ice cream in their hands. It was a sunny day, for everyone to enjoy. But Rebekah wasn't doing much of that. Her mind was on something else. Someone else.

"- I've heard rumors about the fight, earlier." Davina casually said, placing ice cream in her mouth. Rebekah's eyes widened at the mention of the event, and her heart skipped a beat at the memory of Noel's eyes on her. She still couldn't take her mind off of what he told her at the party.

'I miss you, you know?'  His voice kept echoing in her ears.

He was drunk , but a drunk mouth speaks sober thoughts, right ?

"- Oh really ? What did you hear ?" Rebacca tried to seem not interested in the subject.

"-  Just that Wren saw Noel with someone in a bad situation.. And Noel doesn't want anyone knowing about her"

"-Oh.." Was all Rebecca said. She wasn't sure of what words to use. Mostly because she felt pathetic. Only minutes ago, she was thinking about him, missing him,  wondering if he really missed her.She even considered the tought of taking him back. 

"- I'm really sorry Rebecca." She smiled as a respond, but even she knew that it wouldn't conseil her pain.

"- I'm just happy he moved on."


Another chapter, yaay ! Let me know what you think of the story so far !

And dont forget to vote and comment. Hugs and kisses.

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