•So we meet again•

188 28 15

The heat was pressing on Rebecca's skin, while sweat was rolling down her chin. Hair clunged into the back of her neck. And in the hot afternoon, she could feel her shirt starting to cling on her skin. It made jogging very annoying, yet felt good.

She took a quick turn around the street, not giving up, even though her kneews were threatening to surrender and fall. She sped up, colliding with the wind, like the waves hitting the shore line. Her brown locks, danced in the wind, going back and forth, ready to escape the poneytail they were tied in. She didn't know where she was going, nor when she was going to stop. She had no idea what time is it, and no clue what day. For a moment she just forgot all about her life, and enjoyed the beat of her feet hitting the ground as she freed herself and ran.

When all the energy was drained out of her body, and she couldn't run anymore, she stopped, her lungs longing for fresh air, she kneeled down, put her hands on her knees, and tried to catch her breath. She happened to be right across from "Clover". Her dad's favourite Caffé. She smiled. A smile so genuine, so real. A smile with a twist to it. She smiled like a child who never knew sadness or sorrow. 

Before she even realised it, she was walking inside the Caffé. The fimiliar smell of fresh made coffee hit her nostrills. The air around her was more delicious than any flavour. The mixed smell of cookies, the various cakes, the danish pastries brought back memories from her childhood that she almost forgot. 

"-May I help you ?" A sweet voice tickled her ears, and she smiled at how fimiliar it was. Turning around, Rebacca came face to face with Carol, the Caffé's owner. The women was elegant. She spoke a thousand words with each movement, and her wrinkles told the stories of her youth. 

She was so beautiful despite her age. 

"-Aunt Carol, you look stunning as always!" Rebacca's inner child was woken up at the sight of the old woman, flashbacks of the time she spent with her father in this place came rushing back. Usually the memory of her father would bring tears to her eyes, but not the ones that include this place. They were only happy. 

"-Rebecca Anderson is that you ?" Carol, finally spoke, taking a few steps closer to the young girl, letting the long skirt dance to the rythme of her movements. Rebecca just nodded, grinning, unable to express her hapinness. 

"- I would hug you, but I'm all sweaty." Chuckling she pointed at her body head to toe, showing Carol that she was in no state to give a hug. The woman just shook her head, and showed the most hearwarming smile. 

"Nonsense; come here!" Carol walked up to Rebecca slowly and gently pulled her into a loving embrace. Hugs could never be long enough when it came to these two. In the arms of this lovely creature, Rebecca felt safe, like the burdens she carried on her shoulders for too long just got lifted up, making it easy to breath. All her worries just faded to dust, and something inside her just ignite. 

"- Long time no see huh ?" Carol said once they broke apart. Rebecca just nodded, and a sad smile painted her face, as if she regreted staying away from this place. 

"- It's been hard aunt Carol, you know? It was easier staying away from everything that reminded me of him. Including your shop. But how can I move on, when each brick in this town reminds me of my father ?" 

"- It gets easier with each day my darling." Carol smiled, but it didnt reach her eyes, she was sadned by he sight of Rebecca. "- Let's talk over breakfast. You seem in need of it after all that running." 

Rebecca's emotions swirl like ocean currents, deep and strong. Sometimes she's  scared to dive in incase she doesn't make it out again, but right now she was ready to take a jump, and swim deep down that ocean, and explore each secret it holds. 


Sandy's had an extra shine today, or was it just that Rebacce was in a good mood? She marched from the barista, to hers and Davina's usual corner by the window, and wrapped her fingers around her hot coffee mug. She smiled. For once she wasnt overtthinking, she didnt have images of Noel's precious smile in her head, or thought about the pain he brought her, not even flashbacks of her father's death. She was just sitting there peacfully waiting for her best friend ready to have fun. It was a good day; and in Rebecca's life those were very rare. So she tried to enjoy it as much as she can. 

Looking at down at her buzzing phone, eyebrows frowned, and a confused look. 

Unknown. Who would be called her? 

"- Hello?" It was more of a question than a salut.

"- What's your favourite scary movie?" Rebecca let out a laugh,it came out like a newly spung leak, shy at first, starting and stopping. 

"- You know that I recognize your voice right?" She stared at the mug in her hands with a playful look as if it was the boy on the phone. 

"- I was counting on that!" He lightly chuckled "You look beautiful today. Red suits you well Rebecca." 

Surprised, she looked around the room, scanning the booths, looking for a pair of green eyes, and blonde hair. But he wasn't anywhere to be seen. Finally she looked outside the window and there he was, leaning on his car, one hand in his pocket, and the other holding the phone. His smile grew wider as she met his eyes. He pulled his hand from his pocket to wave at her, and she returned it. 

Hanging up the phone, Rebecca ran outside to Aiden. She was happy that it wasn't awkward between them. She expected there to be tension rising, and countless moments of silence. It's not every day you reject a guy and he acts normal around you. 

"- Are you like stalking me now?" Winking at her, he moved closer to her. 

"-Not stalking. More like chasing." Her mouth got dryer than a sandbox during summer. And her emotions got hightened, she didnt know if it was the sexual tension that made that happen or the hot summer day. She just stood there confused. Didnt she reject him last time he tried to kiis her? Was is she standing there looking at his pink lips, wondering how they taste? 

Damn it! She cursed herself. She was enjoying her peaceful day, but now she's just going crazy with the amount of ideas going through her head. Finally he stepped back. Only god knows what would've happened if he didnt. 

"- Um, what brings you here? Why are you here?" She asked nervously, scratching the back of her head. 

"- I'm actually here to apologize. For trying to kiss you the other day. I shouldn't have and I'm sorry to have put you in such situation." 

"- Sooo you don't want to kiss me anymore?" Was a question she asked without realizing. I guess it was her inner self speaking. She was attracted to Aiden for sure, and she wouldn't mind being with him, but that was physically, because emotionally she was hang up on Noel. There was only one word to describe her at the moment, and that is a 'hot mess'. 

It took Aiden a while to reply. Probably thinking about the right way to answer the question. "-Do you?" 

Rebecca wasn't expecting that for sure! She just nervously smiled, and shook her eyes away from him. "- I have to go." She started walking away from the parking lot, mumbling indisnctive words. 

"- You didn't answer my question." Aiden left his arms up in protest, speaking loud so that she'd hear him

"-Neither did you." 

And with that she walked away with a look of counfusion and mixed emotions, and Aiden with one of satisfaction and curiosity. 


I'm sorry for the long wait. The chapter is short, and isnt editted, but I had to give you something. Will try to update soon. Xo

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