•One crazy night•

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Her head was pounding, as every cell in her body was screaming ang longing for some oxygen. She kept fighting it, untill her head felt like exploding. 'I have to take a breath. I heve to take in a deep breath' , she kept repeating to herself. She felt like she was drowning, but she wasn't underwater, she knew that.

As she was short on air, her eyes focused on the pool, her gaze going over the peaceful water. It was so beautiful, yet scary. She couldn't help but think of the accident. It kept replaying in her mind like a never ending nightmare.

Her whole body was shaking and trembling, sweat sliding down her skin, her chest was in pain, and she felt like she was loosing control of her own body. She felt like she was dying. She kept hearing someone say 'It's okay Rebecca, it's okay' over and over again, but she still felt numb, and detached from her surroundings.

"- Focuse on my voice Rebecca ! It's fine, you're okay. Breath !" She tried doing as told, taking in deep breaths. "It's all in your head!" the person shook her really hard, to the point where she felt her arm hur; and it's only then that she calmed her heartbeat, and regained her compusure. Her breathhing was still heavy from the panic attack she just had.

"- Feel better." Asked none other than Noel Campbell. She just nodded anaibale to let out a word, or even whisper. "- Does it happen a lot lately ?"

"- No. I hadn't had one of those in a really long time. It usually came in form of nightmare and not panic attacks." It felt good to tell Noel about the nightmares she was having. It reminded her of the times they were together. The good old times. She haven't been able to talk about it to anyone after they break up. She only told two people about that dreadful night, and those were Noel and Davina. But with Noel it was different. He made her feel safe. But not anymore.

"- It's funny how I fear watter, but whenever I feel upset I find myself around it." She let out a bitter chuckle, which he returned with a sypathic look.

"- We longue things we fear because we like adventure, and flee from things we love because we are afraid of settling." Noel deeply spoke, not looking Rebecca in the eyes, but staring at his hands as if they were the most interesting thing he ever saw in his life.

Rebecca smiled innocently, and leaned her head on his shoulder "- Is that why you left me ? Because you were afraid of settling ?" She couldn't help but ask. She was still curious, even though months had gone by after the break up. But she still wondered why he left her. Things were great between the two of them, if not perfect. Untill one day, he just broke it all off, no explanations given.

"-Rebecca.." He looked down at her angelic face, guilt washing over his face, he hated lying to her, he hated seeing her broken, and knowing that he was the reason behind it killed him even more. "- You know it's-" She cut him off, before he could say anything.

"- It's complicated." She voiced his thoughts. "-I know. That's what you always say."

"- It's because it is." He gave her a pleading look, as if he was begging her to believe him.

"- Is it because of Isaac?" He was taken aback by her question. His eyes growing wide, and his throat going dry. "- Is he the one who pushed you to leave me?"

"- Isaac? What does Isaac have to do with us?"

"- I know he didn't want us together, and I know he told you many times to break up with me. He even told me I should leave you if I really cared for you. I could never get why he was so against us dating!" She explained and Noel let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He was relieved she didn't know the truth. If she did she would certanly hate him, and he couldn't afford loosing her. He cared too much about her.

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