Chapter 14- Can I See?

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Fluff will be in this chapter!!! :D

Akuma: Ah hell no

Me: Too bad

Akuma: Why was I created...



Akuma POV:

'Oh no. My body...I can't move. I'm in too much shock.' Surprisingly, he closed his eyes as soon as he saw me. My eyes widened. "I'll respect your privacy. Hurry up and put it on" he said. I quickly did as I was told, although I was going to do it anyways.

After I put my mask back on, I held the cloth in my hand. "You can open your eyes now" I said. He opened them and crossed him arms. "Thanks" I mumbled. ""No problem. Did you clean your sword?"

'My sword!!! I forgot all about it!' My eyes widened. "OH HOLY MOTHER OF ALL COOKIES!!!! I FORGOT!!! WHERE IS IT?" I yelled. Gaara couldn't talk. He was laughing like crazy, holding his stomach from laughing so hard, the other hand holding the wall for support.  "H-Holy mother of all cookies?" he repeated, laughing harder. I face palmed. 'What did I just say....This was so embarrassing...'

"Hey, Gaara. Glad I made you laugh, but seriously...You're going to laugh to death" I half joked. I put my hand on his shoulder, but he wouldnt stop laughing. He lost his grip from the wall, so I lost my balance and fell. He fell along with me. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, his face was a inch away from mine. My eyes widened.

We both blushed. "Uhmmmm...Please get off of me" I said. He didn't move. 'Is he in shock?' I flicked his forehead. He flinched, but still wouldn't move.

"Hellloooo. I said-" I was cut off. "I'll only get off....If you show me your face" Gaara said. I was surprised by the sudden request. "Nonononono" I blurted out at once. I frowned."I thought you were going to respect my privacy" I pointed out.

"Nah. I changed my mind" he had on a sly face. I tsked. 'Men' "Fine. I'll show you after dinner. Now get off of me" I snapped. He smirked and got off me. He stood up and offered to help me up. I ignored it and got up on my own. He shrugged it off and we started walking back to the dining room.

"Thank you by the way" he said. "For what?" I asked, slightly confused.  "I haven't laughed that hard in...forever, I guess" he admitted. "Ah...I see. Well, you're welcome" I smiled and he looked at me, also smiling.

"Are you staying over tonight?" he asked. "We do have a guest room" he added. "For what reason?" I asked. He blushed and avoided eye contact.

"Uhhh...Well...It's almost dark, your sword is still covered with blood, your clothes are still drying, Temari invited you to dinner, it would be rude to turn down her amazing dinner, and your poisoned wound still has to heal" he quickly said.

'Poison?' I touched my bandaged cheek, full of worry. "Don't worry. Temari put medicine on it while you were napping. It's a small cut, anyways" Gaara said.  I felt relived. "Fine. I'll stay." I saw Gaara smiling a little. I raised an eyebrow.

"Heeeeyyyy. Why are you smiling?" I teased, leaning in close. Gaara looked suprised and then blushed. "No reason" he said. I smirked and then saw Temari

Temari POV:

Kankuro was on the table, but I wouldn't let him eat until everyone was at the table. " bite?" he whined "No" I sternly said. I glared at him.

"I counted all the peices and if I see one gone, your not eating any" I stated. He tsked, crossing his arms. "Great. I'll just starve to death" he complained.I rolled my eyes and tapped my foot impatiently. 'They're really late' I growled. 'The food will get cold'

"I'm going to see where Akuma and Gaara are. Remember, not one bite, or you starve" I warned him. He gave me a look, which I ignored.

I went to go find Gaara and Akuma. They both weren't in their rooms. I went to go check the bathroom. Nope. I was taking a turn until I saw Gaara on top of Akuma. My eyes widened. They were talking low, so I couldnt hear what they were saying.

Gaara stood up, offering to help Akuma which she ignored. They walked in my direction, talking when Akuma saw me, smirking at the sight.

Their eyes widened. They both said sorry for being late. I gave Gaara a sly smile while he walked past me. As a result, he glared at me. I rolled my eyes and walked with them back to the dining room.

When we arrived at the kitchen, Kankuro was drooling. He looked like he was going to starve to death. I apologized to Akuma about his actions. She didn't mind and I saw a ghost smile on her face.

When everyone sat down, Kankuro started eating and shoving food in his mouth. He also almost choked. I hit his back, which helped him. "Stop eating like a pig!" I yelled.

Akuma didn't say a word, but just stared at the pig. (Aka. Kankuro)  Gaara ignored the scene. He was used to this.  

Akuma ate slowly. She covered her face with her hood, pulled down her mask, and slowly and silently ate. When we were finished eating, Akuma pulled up her mask and took of the hood. It made me curious of how she looked like. We headed to our rooms after them saying the thanks for the food.


This was super long. Hope you enjoyed it :) Please vote

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