Chapter 28- Your mission

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Y...i hate u Sunday....OMG. the wrath of school continues...tommorow....



Akuma POV:

"Sakura...Tell me hes gonna be ok." I was crying, and yet again, my left eye was bleeding again.

"... Akuma. He lost a lot of blood and currently is unstable. But he is strong. Help me carry him."

Naruto came over. "These guys were such weaklings. They have no skill. So lame." His eyes widned when he saw Gaara. "Gaara!!!! What happened."

"He got ingured. Shuddup and carry him for me. We need to get him to a hospital. The buildings here are destroyed. We have to go to the Leaf village now" Sakura said.

I couldnt use my teleportatiom justu since i was outta chakira but Kakashi came in time. In a poof of smoke, we were in front of the Leaf village hospital.

Gaara was taken into a room and Lady Tusande walked inside. I had to wait outside. Kakashi tried to comfort me, but i felt so guilty. "I didnt protect Gaara. I was so selfish. I wanted to know my past" i said.

"Akuma...the past can become a huge mystery of our lives. And so is the future. But you made a choice and there is no going back. Gaara is a strong person. A stab in a shoulder cannot kill him" Kakashi said.

"But he wouldnt have gotten hurt if i helped him." I started crying.

"Since when did you become a cry baby? You were usually a strong girl, who rarely cried. But now you have emotions. You started crying a lot since you met Gaara. He changed you. Im sure he wouldnt want you to cry now." Kakashi smiled and hugged me. I hugged him back.

The group came. I let Kakashi go. "Akuma!!! Im sure he'll be fine." Kiba hugged me. 'So much hugs...' But i hugged him back anyways. He let me go and grinned.

Everybody tried cheering me up and it worked. "We are your friends, Akuma!!!" Naruto said. My eyes widened. 'Friends? So is this friendship? have a reason to live. To protect my...friends.' I smiled at Naruto. "Yeah..."

Lady Tusnade came out. I looked at her with pleading eyes. "Is...he ok?" i asked.

She grinned. "Yes. He was just unconscious. After you see him, i need to have a word with you." I nodded my head.

I asked everyone to stay behind and they agreed. Walking inside the room, I saw that Gaara was sleeping. I sat in the chair next to the bed, looking at him. I saw the bandages on his shoulder.

I started to feel the sense of guilt again. I tried holding back tears, but they came pouring out. "'re too loud" Gaara mumbled, looking at me.

"I-Im sorry" i said. His eyes widened. "Hm? For waking me? Or what?" "Its my got hurt. They were so weak...and i couldnt protect you from them" i said, while crying.

He smircked. "Its not your fault, dummy. I was just slow and made a wrong move." He sighed. "Anyways, i needed a break from the Kazekage work. Now go. Lady Tusande needs to talk with you."

He pointed to the door. I nodded. I got up. "Oh, wait Akuma." Gaara sat up, grabbing my arm. "Gaara, your shou- " He kissed me and let me go. "Now i can sleep peacefully." He smiled. I smircked as i headed out the door.

As soon as i went out, the group barged inside through the doors. I heard Gaara complain. I laughed silently.

I had a little chakira saved up and used it to transport me to the Hokage's office. I knocked on the door. "Come in" Lady Tusande said.

She gestured to the chair in front of her desk. After that, she put a barrier around us. "So no one can hear us" she explained. I nodded in uderstanding.

"Ok. So did you find out the reason why the people attacked the village?" I nodded and told her everything. She listened to every word and nodded.

"Hm. Alright. Now i have a mission for you, Akuma." My eyes widened.

"Find the leader of the group...and kill him along with his followers. ( this legal? I dunno. But this is what i thought of to get rid of my writers block.)"

I grinned. "My pleasure. Do you want me to bring anyone?" She thought for a moment. "Yes."


I have to eat. Im starving. So hungry...

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