Chapter 30- Who are you?

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Gaara POV:

"Hey, Sakura. When can i leave this place? It is so boring here. Also, what are you doing here?"

Sakura looked at me. "You'll leave soon. Lady Tusande said i have to watch you. How is your shoulder?"

I tried to move my shoulder. Pain overwhelmed my body. I flinched. "Still hurts" i said. She nodded her head in understanding.

She was unusally quiet. "Hey. Whats wrong?" She looked at me. "Hm?" "I asked you whats wrong" i said, frusterated.

"Just wondering things" she replied. "Like what?" "How did you get hurt so much? Why didnt you use your sand sheild?" I froze.

"Oh that...its nothing." "I thought you might say that" she said.

A moment of silence filled the room."Oh yeah. Where's Akuma?" I asked, innturpting the silence. Sakura's eyes widened. "You didnt hear?" I shook my head.

"Shes on a dangerous mission with Shikamaru, Kiba, and Naruto" she said. "WHAT?!?!" I tried getting up, but the pain in my shoulder prevented me.

"HEY!!!" She snapped. "Dont get up. You're gonna break the stiches...again!!!" "But...i cant just stay here when my girlfriend is on a mission that can kill her...with guys..." 'Was this jelousy?'

Sakura smircked. "Calm down. Shes a stong girl. Also, Akuma wont cheat on you. You're special to her." "But Kiba's there..." i pouted.

"Like i said, don't worry. Now rest. If you have a headace, the medicane is right over here." She pointed to the table. "Hm. Thanks" i said.

'I wish i was fully healed already....' I fell asleep.

Akuma POV:

We had spotted a enemy. Quietly and slowly, we followed him. 'I feel like a stalker...'

"How long do we have to follow this guy?" Naruto whispered. "Shut up!" Shikamaru whispered back. Naruto pouted.

The enemy turned around and held out a kunai."I know you're there...." he yelled.

Naruto was about to fight him. "Fool! What are you doing?" Shikamaru whispered. Naruto didnt listen

I held out my sword in front of Naruto's neck, swiftly and silently. "Dont move..." i said. Naruto froze. Shikamaru let out a breath of relif.

He looked at me with a angry look. I glared at him. "Dont you dare move. Ill kill you. Im serious" i whispered.

"But our job was to kill them" Naruto whispered. "After we find their leader, idiot. You're going to ruin the plan, stupid" i snapped.

Naruto's angry look faded away. He nodded.

Another enemy came out. He had bandages around his head. "Hey, what are you doing here?" Enemy #2 said.

(Enemy #1- the one they were following. Enemy #2-the one that said what are you doing)

"I swear i heard something..." Enemy #1 said. "Oh shoot! I forgot!!! I had to talk to the leader about something. The leader is gonna kill me!!!"

"Ah. Good luck dealing with his temper" Enemy #2 said.

Shikamaru was next to me. "We're gonna loose the guy. Shikamaru. You take him. Ill use my transformation justu" i said. He nodded.

Shikamaru battled the guy. After the body was on the floor, i observed him closely, making sure i got each detail.  'Transformation justu.' I looked exactly like the guy. "Alright. Im going to go find the guy." They nodded.

Finding him wasnt that hard. There wasnt that much people. Most of them were dead. 'Discusting' The air was full with the smell of death.

The man entered a broken down house. The roof was half gone and and door was broken. The windows were cracked and shattered. 'Do i really have to go there?' I groaned.

There were no guards. 'Well. Thats stupid.' Also, the guy didnt notice me following him.

Following him, a few feet away, he entered a large room. There was a chair and a middle aged man was sitting on it. The hole in the roof was the only light in the darkness. He...looked familar somehow.

He had hoarse voice. "Did you kill them yet?" "N-no, leader." The man said.

"FOOL!!!" The leader said. "WHY ARE YOU SUCH WEAKLINGS!?!?!" The leader was full with rage.

"But..." the man started to say. "BUT WHAT? ANOTHER EXCUSE?!?!" The leader inturrupted. "...we mangaed to hurt Gaara" the man said.


He stood up and tossed the chair at the man. The man dodged the chair. "DID I SAY YOU COULD MOVE? IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" The man was shivering and was being choked by the leader.

The leader threw the body to the wall. The man collapsed to the ground, lifeless. "I know you're there, Akuma. I sense your presence."

My eyes widned. For the first time, i was actually shivering and scared. "Who...are you?" i asked.


Cliffhanger. :3 PLZ SHARE!!!

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