Chapter 2

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Look at that, two chapters in a week.
The official updating schedule is going to be once a week on Wednesday. We don't want to overwork ourselves like last time and then not update so we are taking it slow. Anyway, hope you like this chapter plz leave a comment with your opinion on whats happening and maybe what you think is going to happen
All the Love, Anna and Casey

edited: 5/10/20

edited: 5/19/23

Stiles woke to the murmurings of hushed voices, and a raging headache.

With a groan, he drearily blinked open his eyes.

Any second now he expected his belligerent father to burst through the door, fully rousing him from the comforts of sleep. But when Stiles took a moment to assess his surroundings, he realized something was wrong.

The boy clambered up to a seated position, his heart thundering in his chest. He couldn't make out any of the few belongings that decorated his room, nor did he see the small, dusty window that usually let light in next to his bed.

When he finally couldn't lie to himself any longer, Stiles relinquished. He had no idea where he was.

The boy let out a startled yelp as he felt something small and furry scurry over his fingers before shuffling away. He wished he had more of an idea of where he was, but Stiles was encased in darkness. His only companion was the cold, hard floor and the rats. Still, he scanned what he could of the room, desperate for any sign of human life.

Stiles squinted, trying to make out any shapes or movement. But in his efforts, all he found was a dim light bulb hanging from the ceiling. He watched it flicker for a moment before going out completely. Stiles shivered, wondering what that meant for him.

He didn't want to stay here forever. He didn't want to become a part of this room like the cobwebs and vermin. He had to get out, but he didn't know where to begin. He didn't even know where he was.

What happened that landed him here?

Stiles scanned through the events that he could last remember, trying to figure out why he wasn't in bed. He recalled walking back from class, but was stopped from making it home.

He got in a fight with Jackson.

Was this some form of revenge? The kid was filthy rich, maybe his father owned some abandoned building that Jackson found suitable for hiding bodies.

Stiles immediately trashed the idea. This wasn't Jackson's style. Whittemore would never risk his spotless criminal record by committing a serious offense. So why was Stiles here? Something must have happened to lead him to this place...

The beautiful girl behind the dumpster.

She had been crying, begging him for help. But before he could do anything, he had been hit hard over the head.
It explained the headache, and momentary amnesia. It simply wasn't useful in helping him get out of the predicament he was currently in.

If he remembered correctly, the girl hadn't actually been hurt. In fact, it was probably her fault he was here in the first place.

Stiles dropped his head against the wall and groaned.

Pain erupted through his skull, and his ears began ringing. He decided he deserved it, seeing as he was an idiot.

Next time Stiles wouldn't be such a decent human being. Next time he'd leave the girl alone no matter how hard she cried.

Next time, he promised.

Next time he'd be ready.

There would never be a next time if he didn't get out of this godforsaken room.

A wave came crashing down on Stiles, soaking him in the hopelessness of reality. He was alone; he had been kidnapped with no help in sight. Anxiety crawled up the boy's throat, threatening to choke him.

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