Chapter 3

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Chapter Three is ready! This is a long one with iffy writing which might get edited later on. Also we changed Derek's title from "lord" to "alpha" because it makes more sense. Tell us in the comments if u like the change or wish we stayed with the original.
All the love, Anna and Casey❤️

edited: 5/10/20

edited: 5/20/23

Derek had been filing paperwork in his office when she came in.

The room had been quiet, tranquil. The only intrusion came from the tick of the clock, and his pen against paper. He worked well without noise, though he hardly ever got it. Which is why he wasn't surprised when his office doors decided to burst open.

In came a hurricane.

The familiar click of her heels was like heavy rain on the ground; her hair whipped like wild winds. But it was her voice that reminded him the most of a storm. It was sharp, quick witted...

"You have to stop Peter."

And struck fast like lightning.

Derek clenched his jaw, irritated. Allison didn't have the authority to demand anything from him, nor did she have the right to tell him what to do.

His ego demanded he remind her of her place.

He grimaced a smile instead, like there was any chance of getting through that arrogant head of hers.
Derek went back to writing the letter he had been working on before she came in. Allison huffed an infuriated sigh when she realized Derek wasn't taking her statement as seriously as she intended.

He left her no choice. Allison strut towards the Alpha with an air of superiority before plopping herself in the seat parallel to his.

Derek rolled his eyes and waved his hand distractedly, silently telling her to start talking. He wasn't fazed when she waited for him to put down his pen before reporting. Allison was a proud woman who came from a proud family, he'd expect nothing less from her.

"The boy's in the basement," she said, her voice sharp as a blade.

She didn't choose to elaborate.

"I'm assuming that's not the reason you interrupted my work. If it is, I'd say you're losing your touch," Derek quipped, unphased by her strike of silence.

Allison smiled viciously, "Peter is with him."

Derek's sardonic facade fell, replaced by genuine anger.

"You know Peter isn't stable when it comes to hostages, Allison. You shouldn't have left the two of them alone," he growled at her, and rose from his chair, paperwork forgotten.

His anger accumulated no reaction.

"Call it karma. You knew Lydia and I were supposed to go out last night, you should've chosen Erica to capture the boy. She's been itching to go out on a mission for a while now," Allison said, her own anger as tangible as Derek's.

"And I should warn you, Lydia's rather annoyed. You'll have to find a way back into her good graces. So will I," Allison said, shooting him a nasty look.

"You know I didn't have a choice," Derek said, truthfully, "I couldn't send Erica out with Peter, remember what she did to him last time?"

Allison rolled her eyes.

Derek knew what he had risked last night when he called in his friend. Lydia Martin's wrath was a terrifying thing to behold.

"Let's just go save your new toy from Peter."

Derek winced. Winning back her forgiveness wasn't going to be easy either.

He put that thought to the back of his mind as he and Allison began their descent to the basement.

There was a toy, as Allison put it, that needed rescuing.


Normally, when a child was taken as ransom it was a threat to their parents. It was a cruel, but effective way of collecting his due. If Derek didn't receive his money in a day's time, the child would become his. It was a power play that Derek had never lost. Until now.

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