Chapter 5

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Hello lovelies

We are excited to announce that Payment is officially on Archive of Our Own and will be updated every Friday. (Our username is Kca1516)

Don't worry though because we will still be revising the book on Wattpad, and readers here will get the chapter earlier then readers on Ao3

Lots of Love

Anna and Casey

edited: 5/10/20

edited: 5/11/20

edited: 5/20/23

Dust floated in the air as warm sunlight streamed onto Stiles's face through the peaks in the curtains.

Still half asleep, the boy wrinkled his nose in distaste, turning away from the window. He was not exactly fond of being woken up before late morning on a weekend.

Stiles burrowed deeper into the soft, silk sheets underneath him, and the warm body that was wrapped around his own. Secure arms cocooned him, and he nuzzled his face into the crook of someone's neck. Stiles shivered as the heat from the person's body engulfed him.

He felt safe.

He felt secure.

Something was wrong.

Stiles's self preservation instinct flared up. He snapped open his eyes, not prepared to come face to face with a sturdy, bare torso. The boy immediately went rigid. With a shriek, Stiles flailed off the bed and onto the floor. His legs tangled in the covers and they drifted to the ground with him.

"What the hell?" Stiles moaned.

He rubbed at his newly sore backside, and pulled the comforter off his head. What he saw didn't make him feel any better.

The man had awoken when Stiles had kicked him on his descent to the floor. Sleep still sat heavily in the man's puffy eyes, but his body was stiff and ready for a fight. His intent was quite clear as Stiles took notice of the gun in his hand.

"What the hell!" Stiles said again, this time louder with a lot more panic.

The man's gaze immediately jumped to Stiles, who was in the process of scooting as far away from the weapon as possible.

But the boy froze when the man's eyes pinned him down.

Goosebumps rose on Stiles's arms as he realized who the man was. Stiles had been sleeping with- worse, cuddling with the Alpha. Stiles had to stop himself from gagging; he had lain in the arms of a killer.

The Alpha ignored the obvious discomfort on the boy's face. Realizing that there was no impending danger, he unloaded the gun and threw it on the bed. An exasperated scowl on his face.

"Stiles, what the hell are you screaming about at six in the morning?" The Alpha demanded, crossing his arms over his chest.

Stiles recoiled, knowing intimately what it felt to rest there.

The boy had burrowed deeper into the man's warmth, because he had been comfortable.

Comfortable being held by someone he hated.

Stiles blinked hard, willing himself to calm down, and forced his gaze elsewhere. But anywhere he looked left him restless. There wasn't a safe place on the Alpha to focus on. The man's eyes were filled with a murderous glint, and his hands were clenched as if to strangle Stiles, leading him back to the man's chest. Which made him feel sick because-

"Stiles!" The man bit out, grabbing the boy's attention from the other side of the room.

At least it stopped Stiles's plummet into an anxiety ridden spiral.

"Answer me," the Alpha insisted.

Stiles's head snapped up. The boy was vulnerable in a new, sadistic way that was unfamiliar to him.

"How do you know my name?" Stiles asked, trying to seem nonchalant as he brushed invisible lint off his shirt.

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